To the people who voted and commented

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Hi! So to everyone who has voted and commented on this story so far, I want to thank you for even reading this story and coming this far into it. I know I am not that great of a writer, but I'm enjoying writing this book. Cuz why do something you don't enjoy when you can do something you do enjoy?

Anyway, to those people who vote, you give me a reason to keep on writing. A vote for me means I'm doing great, and that people enjoy my book, heck even read it. Usually, when someone presses the little star in the corner of their screen or at the bottom of the chapter, it makes me feel as if  I'm doing good. That reals humans actually like what I do. And they actually think I can accomplish something. It means to me that you care about what I do. And you care if I even exist writing this book. (I'm not going off Wattpad anytime soon. Don't worry.)

And to the people who comment, I love seeing your reactions to some things and I love it when you give feedback. You guys are half the reason of my motivation for this. When you comment I like to see your reactions and opinions at how I should do some things and what not. It's usually your opinion on what happened in that specific paragraph. Yet I can't help but smile at it. Thank you so, so much.

Another thing, I would love it if you commented and voted for this book, to give me feedback at how I'm doing and opinions at paragraphs. It would be so great seeing your reactions to things and getting feedback at if I should improve some parts or what not. You guys are my motivation and reason to continue. At once I was close to discontinue this book. But I decided not to. Thinking, what would people whip reading think? If it was me reading the book, I would be disappointed right? What if I continue and see what happens?

And I continued. I got to 952 reads and 62 votes. I cannot BELIVE it. Its only been at least 2/3 months since I started writing this book and look where I got? More better.

And a special thanks to LittleChillax because, when you voted and commented, it made me so so happy. And I was so happy when you commented on a nickname for Plagg. It was pretty funny. (Not that funny.) But Thank you.

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