Where was she?

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3rd P.O.V

Tikki went back to her room, she quickly locked the door and snuggled up to Marinette's cheek.

"Where were you?" Mari whispers.

"U- um. I was visiting Chat Noir's kwamii,you know how I know him but you don't right? So I just went to check on that cheesy little nugget." Tikki honestly replies.

"Hehe, does Tikki have a boyfriend? Hmmmmm.... I wonder.." Marinette started to tease Tikki. The little bug knew this was gonna go on for a while. Tikki brushed it off and told Mari to go to sleep. She did as told and fell asleep right as she hit the bed.

*next day*

Marinette woke up to her alarm and got dressed in a beautiful pastel pink crop top and heavily bleached denim shorts, with a few rips in them. She also but on some Vans and completed the outfit with a tiny nude coloured backpack.

Those bags are so freaking expensive like hell. I got one and it was 89 dollars, because it was on sale, otherwise it was like 120 dollars. LIKE DUDE!?!!

She filled it with necessary products and some other things. Marinette pulled her hair up in a messy ponytail and left the room.

As soon as she got together with the class, everyone stopped and looked at her.

"How did you get those abs Mari?!?!!?" Alix exclaimed, she obviously looked jelly.

"Yea! And where were you the past couple of days?" Everyone else asked.

M: first, I work out in my spare time and second, I was at my home visiting family.

And of course Chloe had to but in.

C: HAHAHA! Mari-trash here was probably at a rat hole looking for her trash family!

M: Oh really? Cause it is way better than your cheesy hotel.

C: What did you just say Mari-brat!? Well if you are that confident then let's bet on it!

M: deal, if I win, you leave everyone alone if they want you to. Even your Adrikins, alright?

C: *gasp* and if I win, I you have to do my homework for the rest of the year. Mine and Sabrina's. And you have to stay away from Adrien. Got it Mari-trash?

M: pfttt. Sure.

M.B: That is enough girls. Though I am perfectly positive that Marinette here is going to win. She will let you see her place in a few days. And you already know Chloe's so we will see about Mari.

The class burst up in whispers, like:
Oooooh damn.
What does Mari's place look like?
Oho-ho!! This is gonna be funnnn.

And even more things. The bus arrive and the class patiently got on it.

*couple hours later*

They had finally arrives at their destination and immediately wanted to get out of that steaming hot bus. It was an oven in there. Mari spoke to the driver and she paid with her royal card, it let the driver know about her being royal.

But she told him not to say anything, the driver bowed as Mari left.
People were talking as they waited impatiently. Mrs. Bustier announces that they could get out and everyone sounded relived.

"Why did he bow to you Mari?" Rose asked. "Nobody does it to us."
"Oh, some people bow to say thanks and some don't." Mari lies. She hated it. As much as she wanted to tell everyone she was princess, she couldn't. Just one week left until the coronation. Mari thought.

It's a wrap! Thanks for reading everyone. And I hope you enjoy.


I don't know how to write like five more days of this and I am going to skip the days to three days before the coronation. It just gets too hard to figure out what is going to be happening. There may or may not be a ball next chapter. And I wanted to say that after this finding out Mari is princes I am going to continue the story until after they find out their identities. And maybe I might do more after that. So Yea! !thanks and bye!! I also might not do that so I'll see if I change my mind. If I do its inspired of other books on Wattpad. The and bye! !

Word count: 713

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