All about the Girls

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The title says it all.

It was Monday morning and everyone was awake before six. They had been informed that there was going to be a ball at the Palace in two days. So they were all getting their formal attire at the Palace today.

All the boys and girls were separated into different parts of the place. So they couldn't go to each other's fitting rooms to see their outfits.

The girls were received to a spa day as the boys were off to the fittings first.

*with the girls*

They entered the beautiful building and asked the lady at the counter where Mrs. Bustier's group is meant to go to. It turned out to be a rose themed room. It smelled like real roses and had rose petals scattered all over the place. The walls were a nice shade of pink, with cherry blossoms painted to make an effect look as if they were falling. To the right of the door there was a giant wall made if glass with stared if into a garden of a hundred flowers. The girls gawked at the sight. Except for Mari. She was used to this type of stuff. The group got comfortable with their seats and let the employees do their magic.

"So have you guys ever been to a spa?" Mylène asked.

Everyone except for Sabrina nodded.
The girls gave Chloe nasty looks. They knew that she had a spa in her Daddy's hotel. Alya thought Chloe actually shook her head in shame for a second. Them being best friends means they should at least have one spa day together at Chloe's hotel right? Eh, either way they were still besties.

The girls started to chatter about their lives. Chloe was left alone in the end of the row of seats.
Mari left her conversation with Juleka to talk to Chloe.

M= Mari
C= Chloe

C: What do you want Maribrat?

M: I wanted to talk to you, since you were all alone.

C: huh, you probably were not and want to embarrass me.

M: so, do you like anyone?

C: I am not telling you anyone that I like or not. You are probably going to use that information against me. You already have a perfect life, with a mom and a dad. You can even sew, draw, and bake. You have such a nice personality, you are so loyal, and kind to people. So can you just stop?!

Chloe yelled all of that to Mari, letting everything out. All the girls looked at her in surprise as Chloe sat in the corner, tears escaping her eyes, with her pedicure and manicure dry.
Mari went over to her.

"Chloe, I want you to know that my life is not perfect. I can barely talk in front of my crush, I am so clumsy, I always end up in my room hurting myself with the needle when I sew. And I have a scar from one. That time I almost quit what I wanted to make. And on top of that being the princess has me jam packed with duties." Mari said slapping her mouth shut with her hand.
Everyone gasped.

"Y-you're the Princess?!" Chloe exclaimed. She started to laugh. Until she heard a high pitched sneeze.

M: ummmm......

C: who was that?1

M: me

C: shut up. It's not you and neither is it anyone else here.

M: ugh. Tikki I think she HAS to know now.

C: Tikki who?

M: n-no one!

Al: Mari what the heck! I thought you could keep your mouth shut.

Alya whispered.

My: keep her mouth shut about what?

Al: shoooooot

M: EVERYONE STOP. That sneeze was my notifications on my phone ok? OK?

C: *scoffs* how pathetic is that?!

The girls got back onto their seats, and chattered about Mari, Ladybug, and Chat Noir. Soon that subject dropped, and Mari told the girls to not tell anyone. She told the ladies not to tell anyone either, if they understood anything.

The as girls left the place, Mari gave the Cashier a huge tip with her royal card. Has she mentioned that beofore?

Well its a card that informs the people at the register and other places know that the person using the card is royalty and will pay using it. Other than that Mari left without a word.

They made it into the palace and went towards their fitting rooms.
Each person got their measurements and picked out colours that they liked.
They were told not to show anyone else their dress except for the other girls going to the Ball.

The end!! In the next part there will only be the pictures of the dresses for the girls. Bye! !

Word count: 862

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