C h a p t e r t h r e e

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Last edited: Feb 13, 2020

Marinette's P.O.V

After mama told me she would send Adrien upstairs, I immediately started to take down the posters I had of him. Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god!

"Help me take down Adrien's posters Tikki!!!" I whisper-yell.

She quickly takes down the posters with me, and we were done in seconds.

"Your computer background!" Tikki warns me. We both quickly run towards my computer and change the background to floral pattern. Just as I shut off my computer, Adrien came up.
That was way too close.

"Hello, your majesty" Adrien bowed, while he chuckled.

"Oh, come on! You too?!" I sighed.

"Too?" Adrien asked.

"Well, I told Mrs. Bustier, and she did the exact same thing."


"Yeah.... so what do you want to do?" I ask.

"Can we just talk?"

"Yeah sure, s-so, how is your life going?" I stutter.

"Great actually..." He paused, as if he was hesitant in his next words.

"Mari, I want to ask you something," he quietly asks me.

"You have to promise to not stutter, faint or freak out, ok?" He says. What does he mean? Freak out?

"Okay. I promise. What is it that you have to tell me?" The seriousness in his voice shocked me. What was he going on about?

"Marinette, I-I- don't know why you stutter around me, it makes me think you hate me." He said sadly.

"Do you hate me?"

A moment of silence passed by as I thought of the right words to say. To explain to him that this is not the reason for my inability to speak normally around him. That the reason is something so complicated, and twisted because of his stupidly amazing personality. How do I explain to him that it's because I love him?

"Adrien..." Thinking of the right words to say was hard enough. But what am I supposed to tell him when he probably doesn't feel the same?

"I... I stutter because I get nervous around you. And- and I can't tell you why. I-it's hard for me to explain. But I don't hate you."

"I could never hate you."

"I thought you were scared of me, or angry at me ever since that incident on my first day. I thought that you didn't like me because of how I acted." His reasons seemed completely valid. How could I not know that he felt like that? How did I not know?

"Adrien, I could never hate you!" The fact that he thought I hated him sickened me. Why?

"Thank you Marinette," he replied softly wih the look of relief in his eyes. "I-I'll see you tomorrow."

As he got to the trap door, he stopped and turned around. He looked hesitant walking back towards me. Lifting his hands, he put them on the small of my back, creating a burning sensation wherever he touched. Pulling me into a hug, he buried his head into the crook of my neck. As I hugged him back, he whispered words that I could almost barely make out.

"Thank you, Marinette."

He turned and left, leaving me breathless.

Word count: 531

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