Nino, Too

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This song was chosen because that is how I was feeling.

Nini's P.O.V

I was with Alya since she needed me for the Ladyblog.

"Why not bring Marinette?" I ask.

"Because she's the princess of China you doofus!" She immediately covered her mouth. The shock was evident of my face as I looked at her.


Marinette is the Princess of China. Was she playing a joke on me? Why would she say that? Since when had Marinette been royalty?

"N-no, I didn't mean that. It just slipped out of my mouth Nino, it's becuase we were practicing for drama class," she rambled. Alya never rambles on like that.

"Alya I know you're lying. You've never been good at lying straight to my face."

Sighing, she ducked her head. Having a moment to think she looked back up, carrying a guilty look.

"Uhm, yeah. Nino please don't tell anyone. I wasn't supposed to say anything, please keep it to yourself-" She was cut off by the phone ringing in her hand, with the look of worry on her face.

"Hey," she answered.

"What...? Really...? And you're sure?"

Her face morphed into excitement as she spoke to the person on the phone.

"Okay, I'll see you there Marinette!"

Ending ending call she pulled me out of the house, explaining that Adrien had just come over.

As we took the bus to the way to her house I was still processing the newly learned fact about Marinette.

Marinette's P.O.V

I hear a ring at the door. Mama will get it. I was with Adrien talking about China. Oh my god, this was going to be amazing.

"So, princess. What do we have to do for your coronation?" He asks.

"Well we are leaving in 3 to 4 days, so you need to pack up and have everything ready but after tomorrow. Al-" I was cut of by Nino and Alya running into my room.

Alya winked at me before sitting onto my chaise.

"Marinette I hope you don't mind, but I slipped and told Nino that you're the princess." Alya rushed out.

Chuckling, I speak, "don't worry, Adrien was going to tell him anyways."

"He knows too?"

"Yes he does. And he 's coming with us."

"Yay girl!"

"Okay Nino,pack your bags in two days and meet me here at 12 a.m, all of you. After we land in China we are going to be hosting the class around." I say.

"I want everybody ready by two days and I am gonna let Mrs. Bustier know that we are all going to the Palace. And you all cannot freak out." I say, looking at everyone, making sure they know what I said.

Everyone agrees and leaves. After they were gone, I kept thinking about the night before.

"Thank you Marinette."


Word count: 472

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