c h a p t e r f o u r t e e n | Part 1

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Every body woke up the next day still shocked and tired from doing all those tricks and climbing the rock wall. It was the day of Marinette and Adrien's date.

They both woke up really nervous, figuring out their outfits. Adrien had planned for them to go to a beautiful place that suited Marinette, and Adrien. Marinette chose a beautiful red lacy dress, that was short mid thigh in the front; and long near her ankles at the back. Her hair was done in a braided crown that suited her dress. She had nude heels which lifted her hight four inches off the ground.

 She had nude heels which lifted her hight four inches off the ground

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Adrien however, had a white tee, with a dark wash denim shirt, and pants

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Adrien however, had a white tee, with a dark wash denim shirt, and pants. His hair was done into a man bun which really suited Adrien.
Ignore the red beard

 Ignore the red beard

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They had both told Mrs

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They had both told Mrs. Bustier, that they were going out today. Which resulted in the teacher squealing, leaving everybody else confused.

Adrien picked Marinette up, and tied a bandana around her eyes, careful not to smudge the light makeup that she had on. He had the help of Mari's mother -which she also resulted in squealing along with her dad- to help get them to their destination. It took nearly thirty minutes to get there.

Once they arrived at the mystery destination, Adrien carefully led the bluenette out of the car and in front of the place; with her back facing the view their destination. He gently removed her bandana and smirked as she gaped at what was in front of them. The two were standing on a wooden platform, overlooking a forest of trees and mountains.

There was a small waterfall that could be seen a few kilometers away, melting into a rocky river. The mountains were far ahead of the forest, which consumed a bit of snow at the very top. On the left of where the two were standing, there was one if the most largest lakes that you could see. Though that was not the place that they were supposed to be at.

"Marinette, turn around" He softly spok- commanded. She turned around and tilted her head in confusion. There was a curtain of leafy vines, which had lights shining through them. It looked beautiful, yet mischievous. As the girl questioningly went through, she stopped gaping again at another more beautiful sight.

Behind the vines was a pretty big cottage, and a picnic table set for two in front. The table had candles scattered all over it including the pathway leading to the table. Along with the candles scattered across the area, there were also different types of roses, daisies and tulip petals. The picnic table had some plates so some food can be served. It was almost night making it perfect for the candles to light up the entire place. Marinette slowly walked towards the table touching some of the roses. To their right was a small pond which had water lilies floating on top.

As amazing as this could be, a waiter came out and informed them that the king and queen had their first date here as well. Which didn't surprise Adrien, due to the fact he asked them for a place that he can take her to, and have permission to do so.

The blunette sat down on the picnic table, inspecting the set up of the table including the rest of the area surrounding them. It amazed her that they came in through a wall of vines and ended up in a bigger place then she had expected.

Another waiter came towards them and asked for their orders. Marinette asked for some noodles that the waiter would think is going to please her the most and a cup of water; along with a mango shake to drink before she ate. Adrien ordered the same as Marinette discluding the shake. The two ate their meals and talked for a while.
I realise I wrote discluding. Not sure if it's a word or not bit it should be.

Marinette's P.O.V

I got ready in a beautiful red lacy dress and nude heels. I am so excited for today! Alya came in earlier this morning to help me puck out some clothes. Me and her were talking about where Adrien might take me. "What if it's in the middle of a forest?" Alya asked. "I highly doubt that." Why would he take me to a forest as a date? That's kinda weird. Right now I'm freaking out on the inside. What are we going to do, where are we going and so, so many more questions. Oh my gosh. What. Is. Going. ON WITH ME?! I have to relax! Deep bath in and out. Ok....

Knock knock

Oh my lord. Ok here goes nothing. As I stand up, Alya pushes me out, making me fall. I quickly put my arms over my head, ready for the impact. But something strong holds me back. Is it Alya l? No she's not this strong... I look up to see Adrien giving me a goofy look. "I-I am so, so sorry!" I apologize. "Hey, it's ok, it's not your fault." He said glancing at Alya then back at me. He held out his arm, so I can link mine with his. As we walked out, I heard a scream,something in the words of: AAAAH!!! MY BEST FRIEND IS GOING OUT!!!!

That was definitely Alya. We both sat in a limo waiting for us outside. The windows were heavily tinted, so I couldn't see outside. "I don't want you to see where we are going, so it can be a surprise." Adrien explained. Makes more sense. As the ride was going on me and Adrien talked about little things to how we both handle being superheroes.

As soon as the car stopped, Adrien put a bandana on my eyes trying not to ruin my makeup. We walked out side and he untied it. I was amazed. It was a forest of beautiful trees and mountains far away. Then suddenly he told me to turn around. I did as told and was confused. There was a curtain of.... vines? I walked through and was greeted with the scent of lavender due to the candles scattered everywhere. There were roses, tulip petals and daisies. And a picnic table set for the two of us. It had all he cutlery we needed along with the same flowers around it. Far ahead was a pretty big cottage type house with quite a few balcony's and windows. Oh gosh it's amazing.

Part one complete 😊😊😊 hope you like it!!

Word count: 1108

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