C h a p t e r t h i r t e e n

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Nino and Alya were trying to explain to Adrien and Marinette that they were watching a movie then fell asleep. But the duo kept laughing at them while they tried to explain. Soon Nino and Alya gave up and started munching on their snacks. The giggling duo laughed even harder.

Knock knock

Marinette went to go get the door.
"Hello Hiena!"

"Hello Princess, your parents wanted me to let you know that your coronation will be held in two weeks time. It is due to the fact that family and friends are not able to arrive in three days. But all other guests will be staying in the west wing of the Palace until the days pass." She said.

"Of course. See you later!" Hiena left leaving everyone with a smirk.


"WE GET TO STAY LONGER!!!!!!!" they exclaim at the same time. Everyone burst into a fit of giggles.

"Let's go down, we have to see the Great Wall today." Marinette and Adrian say.

The beautiful time skip brought to you by Timebreaker, leaving Chat Noir scared to loose his nine lives.

"OK everyone! Line up in alphabetical order so I know where you are and can take attendence, then you can split into partners." The foreign class nodded and got in line. Chloe -- being the beach she is-- didn't listen.

I don't use swear words. So I used alternatives. 😅😅😅😅
Just so you know these words are barely gonna happen,unless it's Chloe. K. U. Read. Now.

So it took twice as long to follow the rules. "Hey Mari! Want to be my partner?" Adrien whispered while the teacher took attendence. "S-sure-"
"Marinette, Adrien! Care to share you conversation?" The two stayed silent. Mrs. Bustier sighed and continued taking roll call.

"Alright! You guys can slip into partners or groups and meet me near the middle of the Great Wall soon after you learn some of the history there."

The class agreed and split into groups of three or partners. They followed their teacher towards the ancient wall, listing to the tour guide. She had a slightly Chinese accent, and was wearing Blue jeans with a light blue button-down shirt-- which had 'tour guide' written in small writing near the collar--, tied at her bellybutton. The girl gave the class some information while they walked across the wall, examining it. Soon they were at the end of the so called lesson and got together with their partners and started walking.

~ With Adrienette ~

A= Adrien
M= Marinette

M: so does this count as our date?

A: nah. I'm going to take you somewhere better.

M: ok!

Mari and Adri stared to walk together holding their hands talking perfectly fine flirting with each other. While on the other hand, Alya was freaking out wondering when, where and how Marinette started to talk to Adrien normally, hold hands or even FLIRT with him!

She could have never done that. As the heroes were walking, they heard Alya yell to Nino everything about the two. They chuckled and started and ignored them the rest of the way.

As they were walking, Adrien and Marinette would notice things beyond the wall and talk about it for a while.
Once they had gotten towards the middle, Mrs. Bustier announced that they will be staying a week or so longer due to the delay of the princess' coronation.

"Until then we will be going to all sorts of places like a trampoline park, a place somewhat like wonderland, the beach and more" Mrs. Bustier said. The class cheered, talking about the things they will do while walking back to the beginning of the wall.

Sorry about the short chap. Just having a writers block. Until then here u go. I'll try to upload the next chapter soon. But right now I'm busy with homework, even though school ends in less than a week. Either way ttyl!!!

Words count: 659

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