The First Ball | part 1

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This chapter was edited on September 6, 2018.

Original title: The first day of the Ball | part 1

Thank you for your support LittleChillax !!

Adrien's POV

"Adrien! Come inside honey it's pouring outside! Your gonna get sick! You remember what happened last time?" Mom said.

"Yes mommy, but I like pwaying in the rain!" Three-Year-Old answers.

"Adrien. No, ok? We can go to the pool after it stops alright? You might get severely sick if you play in the rain dear." She says again.

"Ok, mommy." I say pouting.

"Don't use that look with me," Mom says while picking me up. I giggle while she dries me off and changes me.

*world swirls into a meadow*

"Mom!" I shout as I see her a few feet ahead of me. She quickly hugs me and stays there.

"Mom..." I say to her.

"Where were you the past few nights?" I ask.

"Honey you were having fun. I didn't want to ruin that and leave you sad alright Chaton?" She pauses.

"You have to hurry though, Adrien. If you don't come back within the next month and a half, I might not be able to get out of here."

"Mom don't say that. I will be home in the next month and a half and have you out." I assure her. I really don't want her gone. My mother is the most important person I know. And the next in line would be Marinette, then everyone else. Ohh my goshhh... how do I get her out?! I have to figure something out.

"Mon chéri, you will figure it out." She answers.

"Now you are waking up ok? I'll see you later mon pètit chaton."

"Oh good your awake." Someone says.
It's... Mari? I need to tell her again.

"Marinette I had those dreams again about mom."

"It's okay Adri. We'll figure something out. Alright?" She says. Sometimes I wonder how she can be so understanding. Oh lord.

"Stop staring Adrien, and get up! We have the ball today. Remember how everything got delayed? Well, today is the ball." She says. I wonder what her dress is going to be.

"You'll see. Now go to your dressing room!" She forces me and runs out. That girl.

I get out of bed and start to get ready in my clothes. The dressers told us to meet them on the ball day. I paired up some denim jeans with a grey Adidas tee and headed straight to the dressers.

Marinette's POV

I and Alya were walking past Adrien's room, but then I heard yelling.

"You go on Alya, I'll be right back. OK?"

"Sure girl! Just make it to the dressers quickly."

I walk into Adrien's room and he is just twisting and turning. "M-mom..." He murmurs. That boy.

Oh no. Should I wake him up? He is probably gonna get mad at me and I can never ask him on another date! If I do he would probably say no, then go with Chloe and we can never get married!

Wait. Calm down. *deep sigh*.
I'll wake him up.

"Adrien! Wake up."


"ADRIEN! Oh good, you're awake." I say. It looked like he just figured out who I was. That's kinda adorable.

"Marinette I had those dreams again about mom." He said looking a bit worried.

"It's okay Adri. We'll figure something out. Alright?" I comfort him. He just keeps staring at me. Oh no, do I have something on my face? No.

"Stop staring Adrien, and get up! We have the ball today. Remember how everything got delayed? Well, today is the ball." She says.

"I wonder what her dress is going to be." He mutters.

"You'll see. Now go to your dressing room!" I quickly get out before running to Alya, all the while nearly tripping on two flights of stairs, which could've had me dead.

I approach the enormous room, and as expected everyone was there. Chloe and Sabrina were talking about how great their dress is. They would obviously do something like that. I'm glad to see those two are getting along. Rose was talking to Juleka, it looked as if she was blushing? That's surprising.

"Look at Juleka! She's blushing! That rarely happens. And my ship is coming truee!!" Alya whisper yelled at me almost scaring me to death. "Yeah, and no 'Hi Mari!' Or 'Hey Girl!'?! You just had to go and scare me?!" I half-yell at her. She can be oh-so sneaky sometimes. And it's not good.

"And yes! I saw that! You didn't have to basically scream it in my face that your ship is sailing!" I scream again. This time some people hear us. Er... me.

"Eh hehe. Don't mind us." I say. Everyone just shrugged and went back to whatever they were doing before.

Start music

Soon, all of the girls got into their dresses for the ball and got their hair and makeup done. (Go to ' The Dresses' to see what they look like.) Me and Alya stayed a bit longer as the girls left for the garden to have some pictures and memories.

"So, when is your coronation?" She asked.

"It's in about a week. I'm not sure which day."

"Marinette, I'm so excited for you and everything, but... won't you have to leave? Won't you have to stay here and rule as a princess? Everyone will have to go back to Paris. And I don't want to leave you..." She said, tears pricking the corners of her eyes.

"Alya... I'm not leaving Paris. Yes, I'm gonna be crowned princess and have to rule, but I can to that back in Paris as well. I can work from my favorite city." I pause, meaning every word I said.

"Paris gives me the motivation to keep on living my dream as a fashion designer. I don't want to leave it. Another reason I want to stay is because of you. You are my best friend. Alya, you give me the confidence I lack at times You are the one who looks out for me when I don't look out for myself. See you are the reason I'm still here, talking to you and going on with the coronation. Because if you weren't here, I would be back in Paris sulking in my room, afraid to even go outside. Afraid that people will recognize me. And afraid that I won't be what they expect."

Saying these words, I'm in tears because I just want to thank Alya for everything.

"Thank you, Alya. For doing everything you can to support me and help me." I thank her. Suddenly, he hugs me.

"I don't want to cry girl, it's gonna ruin my makeup. Stop it." She laughed, me soon joining her.

"One question more Alya. Will you... like to be.... my lady in waiting?" I ask, crossing my fingers. She looked at me for a couple of seconds, letting everything sink in.
"OF COURSE YOU IDIOT." She said pouncing on me. Me and her kept on laughing.

With the boys

All the guys got ready in a black suit with ties matching the girls' dress they were going with. The catch? Well they haven't seen the dresses. All of them seemed so... curious to their partner's dress that they all kind of stared at the walls in front of them.
"Boys the ball starts in thirty minutes! Get ready!" Their dresser yelled at them, trying to get them out of their dazed selve. Slowly the time came to enjoy the ball.

Everyone got together with their partner, arms through arms. As soon as Adrien and Marinette got together, they heard squealing. All the girls had started squealing. They both looked at each other and smiled.
"It's time to go in everyone!" Mrs. Bustier said.

Word count: 1291

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