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Diego and Gus's school had gone on one of those lame-ass field trips to watch a documentary at a movie theater. ( Idk if other high schools do this, but I had to do these sooo..)

I sat in the back of the theater with Diego, who had his phone on dim light and was ignoring the documentary that was about to begin. The theater's lights went out as the title sequence began and after only a few minutes of the film starting he had taken my hand and whispered "Come on".

I blindly followed him, and we passed by a teacher. "Me and Gus are going to the bathroom" Diego said, touching the teacher's shoulder so they would be able to acknowledge us in the darkness. " Sure" the teacher replied.

He pulled me down the corridor of the theater amongst the different rooms playing different films, towards the bathroom. "I checked the schedule before the film started. There's a horror playing in room zero-four, and the documentary ends fifteen minutes after.". I smiled, "okay". He took both of my hands and turned to face me, grinning "But we still have a little time to kill."


He pulled Gus into the empty bathroom, Diego holding both of his hands as he walked him backwards into the wall.

He laughed until he snorted, winning Diego over with his cuteness. "Fucking adorable" He sighed, before crushing his lips against Peep's while pinning him against the wall.

Peep was still caught up in their lip's movement in sync when Diego ventured down to his neck.


I gripped Diego's shoulders as his hands where on my hips, holding me inplace. After a few minutes Diego's phone buzzed in his pocket. He stopped abruptly, casually pulling away from me, leaving me a bit dumbstruck. "Lets go" he said, pecking my nose and grabbing my hand and leading me out the bathroom into the corridor to the other movie room.

He sat down in the empty back row and pulled me by my hand onto his lap, leading me to hit his arm, as I sat down in the seat beside him. He put an arm around me and I held his hand, lacing his fingers through my own, letting him hold me a little tighter at jump-scares.

lil Xan X lil Peep ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now