mini series bc i missed my annual halloween special (prt.1)

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"I'm not gonna let you do this to yourself." Diego demanded, he wasn't going to give Peep a choice on this one. Diego hadn't seen him since he left a couple months ago to LA with Steve to work on a xanarchy project and between that time and now he had seen Gus's social media posts empty and had stopped getting his usual quick replies to texts and dms. He got a message from Peep's mom saying she got an email from the school notifying that Gus hadn't been attending. It was normal for Peep to sleep at his friends house's or in his tour bus at the local venue but he hadn't seen his mom in weeks.tracy was worried about him. Just the occasional text to tell her he was safe. Diego was worried as fuck, he knew peep was fine, but he and Peep's mom both knew that he had an issue with depression. He wasn't okay, he was safe, but not okay. Diego took a walk into the night, he couldn't sleep so he lit a joint and walked through the deserted streets under the light of the street lamps. The night was quiet and dark and calm and walked through the grassy park that was now empty, due to how late it was. This wasn't a night that held partying in the air, it held a bitter cold and melancholy that people would rather be inside than partake in. He walked up next to a relatively small brick building that served as the public restroom, leaning against it for a moment, he checked his phone, 1:42 am. It was nearly to two in the morning. He inhaled deeply from his joint, letting out a deep breath to release the smoke from his lungs as he looked up at the sky, peppered with stars and free of clouds. He Looked into the empty park, breathing in the quiet, stale air. He looked at his text messages and the last ones Peep had replied to. His last reply was almost two weeks ago, I love you and I'm safe. Diego sighed again, looking up at the stars until he heard a quiet voice broke the silence, it was a familiar one, singing softly that was never sung in front of people unless he was performing. I'm Not really worth it if you give me time I can work on it, losing your patience the Earth's rotation you're waiting for me, look at my face when your talking to me. I don't know if I want anyone to look me in the eyes ever again, the voice said to itself, temporarily interrupting it's song as Diego stood quietly against the wall listening as he heard the boy sniffle and continue singing. Your helping me preach, this musics the only thing keeping the peace as I'm falling to pieces, look at the skies tonight all of the stars have a reason, a reason to shine, a reason like mine and I'm falling to pieces, look at the skies tonight all of the stars have reason. Each word was articulated clearly, he knew the singer meant each one of them. And he did look up at the stars as he listened to quiet sobbing from the other side of the building. Diego knew who the voice belonged to. He knew it was Peep. He wanted to go straight to him and pick him up in his arms and scold him and hug him and carry him back to his place and wrap him in five too many blankets and hold him and demand to know where he had been for the past few months, who had he been with, what he felt, and possibly a drug test. But now wasn't the time for that. He didn't want to intimidate Peep or scare him, he wasn't even sure if he should go back their or if peep wanted to see him or anyone else. But this wasn't safe, weather peep liked it or not Diego needed to make sure he was safe. And the song peep sung when nobody was around, to sobb to the pain of missing someone who he thought was better off without him but deserved every star in the sky. Diego took a deep breath and quietly walked around the side of the building, Peep sat with his head down and his backpack, a few empty juniper cans and beer bottles littered the ground around him along with a bottle of red. Peep hugged his arms around his body as if to provide some sort of comfort as he sobbed to himself, Diego watching from the sidelines. He wasn't sure if Peep wanted to see him. He wasn't sure if Peep wanted to see him. He wasn't sure if Gus would try to leave. Diego was in the dark of the night, Peep was in the haunting spotlight of the lamp against the small brick building. Diego could see Peep, Peep couldn't see Diego. But Peep heard him. Well, he didn't nesseralily Know what he heard, but he could feel the eyesight on his skin. His head shot straight forward, as he picked up one of the empty bottles and slammed it again the brick wall behind him, shards fell onto the pavement that lined the building, leaving a makeshift weapon, the upper half of a brown glass bottle, spiked into glass that could definitely cut at the bottom. Quickly standing up and swinging his backpack over his shoulders. "Who's there?" Peep asked, holding the bottle and looking around the perimeter of the light to make out a figure in the darkness. He noticed it, a shadow of someone with a strong build, probably male, who was watching him. Peep pulled his switchblade out of his pocket. Flipping it open in his other hand, watching the figure, standing in place. "Its okay, baby. It's just me." Diego stepped into the light. Diego could see the recognition in peep's eyes as he froze, dropped the bottle, which rolled on the pavement, and turned his back to Diego. Peep was trying to run away from him. Diego grabbed peep's hand before he could get far, lacing his fingers in peep's before he could leave. "Talk to me, Gus"

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