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This bit of the story will be told from Diego's pov

I was here with Peep, but I wasn't sure where he was at the moment. I had stepped into the bathroom to get away from the party for a minute.

I kept a dosage of my anxiety meds in the lining of my beanie and just downed it fast with some sink water. My phone said it was close to 2 am anyways. I was about to text Peep when he stumbled through the cracked bathroom door, giggling like crazy holding a bottle of Jack Daniels. I knew he was beyond tipsy, but I didn't think he'd blacked out just yet.

He wrapped his arms around from behind me and nuzzled his head into the back of my hoodie "I missed you so much" he mumbled, as if it had been months since we'd seen each other. I could feel him losing his balance and leaning into me and I watched his reflection in the mirror as he did. I took the bottle from him and put it on the sink's counter before he could drop it.

‎ "Where's my pink-haired boy?" I heard a girl hum, she knocked quickly and entered the bathroom. I looked at the pink-haired boy clinging to my back, as soon as he saw her he grinned, squealing "blond bitch" happily, as if it was her name.

‎ She took his hand, looking at me apologetically. " No" whined Peep, " I thought we needed to go find your boyfriend?" She asked, looking at him confused. "My boyfriend" he said grabbing me as if to show a belonging. "Oh" she chuckled, amused by his borderline blackout drunk behavior. He always seemed to become such a sappy kid when he was losing it.

‎ The music was blaring and the bathroom was practically shaking from the volume. She took Peep's hand and held open the door, waiting for me to follow as peep grabbed my hand with his free one. She walked into the kitchen then turned to me, " he just drank alot and smoked some herb" she said, probably noticing my concern as I watched him.

" Thanks" I sighed in relief, feeling a little guilty for assuming she was just some bitch who was High off her ass and all over Peep. I realized she'd probably been looking out for him all night. " Thanks" I paused, " I'm Diego" she smiled " I know" she said. I gave her a confused look, " I'm Lena" she replied. 'lena', I'd definitely heard that name before, and then it hit me. "Oh, your Adam's girl. And Tracy's friend." She smiled " yeah, I've heard about you too." She said motioning to Peep. " Adam and Tracy mentioned you too" she added.

I knew Tracy and Gus had a couple classes together and we're pretty good friends. I'd meet him before too, he seemed really into his art class. Peep had dragged me down to the art classroom before to show me some of his work and I had to admit some of it was really good.

‎me and Lena talked for a minute and exchanged numbers," do you want me too help you get him out of here?" She asked. I let the words process for a second then said "no, thanks I can handle this", she nodded.

Just then, Peep, who was still gripping my wrist to balance himself, leaned over to her and put his hand by his mouth as if to tell a secret yet he seemed to just drunkenly shout in a whispery voice " I have a crush on Diego." he said, pointing at me pretty obviously, "but he's not allowed to know" he slurred. And leaned back against the counter. Lena and I smiled at each other. " Thanks again" I said, as she gave me a quick hug goodbye. " See you on Monday, pink-haired boy" she said, ruffling Gus's hair.

‎He hazily grinned, letting out a hiccup. " Come on" I said, gingerly taking his hand and waving to Lena. As we left she called " text me if he can't make it to school on Monday, I'll cover him in chem apps", I nodded back.

‎ I got him into the passenger seat and by the time we started driving I could already hear occasional soft snores coming from him. I glanced at him, he looked cute. He had a sleepy smile and his pink hair was sticking out of the hood of his hoodie every which way. I quickly decided I wouldn't mind carrying him inside, he looked like he could use the extra sleep anyway.

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