Peep getting his nose pierced

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"Hi, Elsa" I called into the tattoo and piercings shop, Diego walked in in front of me, but I was friends with the manager and worker here. "Hey, Gus Baby. " She called from behind a wall where she was probably finishing setting up an appointment with someone on the phone, "I'll be with y'all in just a minute." Today, I was getting my nose pierced. "C'mon back" she called, I walked around the counter, pulling Diego's hand to ask him to come with me, to the black dentist chair that you sat in while you got your piercings. I smiled excitedly when I saw her, and she gave me a big smile back. Elsa had choclate-colored skin, was tatted up pretty heavy, the shirt she was wearing exposed most of her stomach,which was covered in blue birds and red roses. "Who's this with you?" She asked, letting her gaze settle on Diego's hand holding mine. "Oh, sorry. this is Diego" I said, and blushed a little. Like I said, me and Elsa have been friends for a long time.As in, she's never meet diego, but she definitely heard about him, and she's a very straight forward kind of person. She smiled, "oh shit! This Diego," I already know what this is leading up to, she started to get the piercing equipment ready while she spoke, "Diego, this Honey's been crushing on you for a long ass time, I'm talking years" I looked at Diego for a second, and he smiled back at me, guiding me to sit down in the black chair. "I remember him coming in here high as a kite, talking bout' your hands brushing in the hallway, did you ever know about that?" I was looking intensly at the floor to avoid eye contact, but I could tell Diego had let a confident smirk settle on his face. " I did that on purpose, actually. It was before we even talked, but I wanted to see how he'd react, it was cute, I didn't expect him to blush like that." She laughed, " I remember when he came in here after school one day, telling me about how you gave him your hoodie during a fire drill." Diego laughed, and she smiled and continued to confirm that even though she said that she loved me, she didn't love me enough to not be more than okay with embarrassing me. " He was practically inhaling that thing, talking about wearing it was almost as good as being touched all over by you," she and Diego laughed, and I felt my face be no other color then that of a tomato red as I leaned back in the chair and closed my eyes because THIS IS HELL. After those two bullies we're done laughing and joking I felt Diego hold my hand, which made me blush more, as if he hadn't tortured me enough today, I tried to snatch my hand back, but he wasn't buying it. The smile that I couldn't stop creeping on my face was probably just reminding him that i was already his. "I'm sorry, honey" he told me, moving his lips to my ear, which I knew he knew was an apology I would definitely except. "After this, I'd be more than happy to touch you all over." I hid my face in my hands as he kissed my ear, and made me feel like the butterflies in my stomach were on fucking lsd. "Y'all are cute" Elsa said, as she turned around and started to prep my nose with the cleaner, and Drew a small dot on my nose to show were she'd Pierce it. "How's that, Baby?" She asked me, holding a mirror infront of me so I could see it. "Perfect" I said, and smiled at her, she grinned back, and I saw her crystal grillz, she was pretty. "Deep breath in" she told me, and inhaled aloud with me. I felt the sting of the needle, puncturing the cartalege, causing me to waver and exhale deeply, Elsa guiding me through it. "You're all good" she said, handing me a mirror. "Thank you, Elsa" I got up and hugged her, "of course, Gus" she turned to Diego, "make sure to hit that, he's been craving you for a time." He nodded and smiled at me, putting an arm around my waist and I wrinkled my nose at Elsa.

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