Halloween prt 1, + intro

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Okay, so I've wanted to do some Halloween-ish stories, so leading up to Halloween I'll be posting Halloween fluff. Lots of cute and short Halloween chapters coming, hope you like it.

Diego and Peep are helping at a volunteer-run haunted house on Halloween night when everyone who is inside gets cursed for the night to become what they're dressed as. Peep is the Cheshire cat, wearing a black and pink fluffy clip on tail, fuzzy black cat ears, a spiked collar, and of course the classic black nose and whiskers painted on his face, looking like some sort of cat-boy hybrid. Diego is a vampire, just fangs, pale makeup with black eyeshadow, and fake blood, which won't be fake for long.

The chapters will be counting down from the halloween night till dawn the next morning when the characters will return to normal.

~Idk im weird, sorry.

"Peep? Babes, are you in there?"
"Umm... Just, just give me a minute"

Diego was standing outside the Janitor's closet of the old hospital, abandoned until the haunted house set up in it this Halloween.

"Are you okay?" He asked him, his voice full of concern as Peep seemed to be literally hiding from him.

Diego looked into the darkness of the open door and was about to go in after Peep whether he wanted him to or not when he saw two bright yellow-lime coloured eyes flicker on in the darkness.

They look like they belonged to a cat, Diego thought. Then it hit him, Peep had dressed up as the Cheshire cat, black ears with pink bows, a spiked o-ring collar, and a long fluffy black and pink tail.

‎ "Baby, just come out of the dark, it won't scare me" diego promised, and ‎the eyes finally came a little closer, a long tail striped black and pale pink to match Peep's hair and swayed as Peep became visible.

‎ In the light Peep's eyes went back to normal. But he had soft black cat ears poking out of his pale pink hair and a ringed tail about the length of his leg. It was black and pale pink like his hair and it had coiled itself around his black skinnies on his leg.

‎"Aww, you look so sweet" diego coaxed as he came closer, ‎" you look so scary," peep said, but cracked a sweet smile, "but, sexy."

‎"I'm glad you think so, sweetness." ‎Diego said, licking his new-found fangs.

‎ " you don't exactly seem worried about this..." ‎Peep inquired, a bit surprised by the calmness his diego was displaying.

Diego immediately responded, " no, baby. This is gonna be fun," he paused, noticing Peep still looked a little nervous. Diego tried to reassure him by gently scratched behind the cat's ears, "besides, tonight I'm gonna have my very own kitten."

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