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Peep was standing with him in Diego's laundry room. Peep was wearing pink and black plaid boxers and a black T-shirt he had borrowed from Diego that draped loosely over his skinnier frame in contrast to Diego's more built one, "Thanks" Peep said, " It's okay",Diego responded "you look cute in my clothes." Diego pulled the shirt off of Peep and tossed it in the washing machine, "but you look even cuter without them" Diego added. Peep bashfully looked down at his own bare chest as Diego seemed to make no effort to hide his eyes dragging up and down Gus's body. Diego tugged on Peep's boxers gently but his boyfriend shied away. "Are you sure you don't want me to wash these too?" Diego asked and Peep shook his head. Diego cocked his head and gave him a sly smile "come on, you know you've shown me you in less", Peep smiled back shyly, but shook his head again. "I'll show you more later" he promised as a blush crept into his cheeks when he pecked Diego's lips.

lil Xan X lil Peep ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now