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" aww, has someone been bit by the cuddle bug?" Diego coed. He stood at the doorstep of Peep's house looking at the other boy who was wearing black skinnies and and oversized white tee. His mom was visiting a family member for the weekend since it was nearing the holidays. Peep had declined on going with her but she had called Diego to prevent a case of winter madness.

" Shut up" he grumbled, but still grabbed Diego's sleeve and pulled him inside. "I told your mom I'd get you out of the house every day." Diego said, holding Peep's hand as he scanned his face for a reaction.

" I want you, not a bunch of nature or some shit." Peep groaned.

" Your cute, so I'll excuse your whining, even if it's not the kind I like to hear from you." He grinned, looking at Peep blush and avert his gaze. " Where are we going anyway?"

Diego smirked and lifted Peep's chin with his index finger, only to make him blush again when he pulled his lower lip down slightly with his thumb. He was obviously just entertaining himself by messing with Peep, " I gotta do some shopping, then we can get drive though." He said . " M'kay", ‎"Alright, sugar. Go get a hoodie, it's cold." "Yes, mom." Peep said sarcastically, rolling his eyes.As his eyes lost their gaze on him for a moment as he rolled them, Diego closed some of the distance between them, gripping Peep's hips. ‎ "actually," he said softly, " you can call me daddy, and if you don't want to get a hoodie, I'd be happy to keep you warm." He stood back to view his handiwork; an insanely flustered Peep who didn't seem to have anymore complaints at least, but Diego was positive he had made him compliant.

"Let's go get you that hoodie." He said with a satisfied smirk. Peep just nodded and obediently followed Diego to his room, where Diego opened a drawer and pulled out a pink pull-over hoodie. He looked at Peep, " is this one good?". Peep nodded, taking the hoodie and pulling it on over his head, causing his pink hair to go every which way, and then closing the drawer and getting ready to exit the room. "Hey" Diego said, getting Peep's attention, noticing him avoiding eye contact and how he was strangely quiet. He cupped Peep's Face, lifting it to face him. "I didn't hurt you, did I, Sugar?" He asked. Peep shook his head, but still saw the concern in Diego's face. Peep gave him a tiny smile realizing Diego might think he was still lying. He quickly leaned forward and gave him a quick peck on the nose to prove, and saw the other boy reflect a small smile too. Suddenly, The thought occurred to Diego 'how tight was my grip?', causing Diego's face to gain a touch of concern again. He crouched down by Peep, gently touching his hips through the fabric. "May I?" He asked, and Peep nodded, looking down bashfully and a little confused as he lifted the fabric to expose the bare skin and inspecting it. His left looked fine, but on his right hip he noticed a small purple bruise. He ran the pads of his fingers over the skin softly, "I'm sorry, sugar."

"It's okay." Peep said quickly and wondering when he would finally get a break from all the blushing, while the other boy continued inspecting the bruise, "tell me if it gets any worse" he said, kissing the bruise then looking up at him "okay, sugar?" ‎Peep nodded and Diego pulled down his hoodie again and stood up. "Ready?" Peep nodded again and took Diego's hand and letting him lead him out of the house.

merry christmas

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