Halloween prt. 3, catnip

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 Just need to put out a disclaimer, please do not consume catnip, and be careful when brewing or smoking it. P.s. it won't even get you high, this is for fictional story purposes only.

"Oh my fucking god" Peep said, sniffing like a puppy, "do you smell that?" He asked. Diego looked back at him, obviously confused, "smell what?"

"Something smells amazing..." Peep said, staring of into space, doe-eyed, like whatever only he could smell was practically keeping him in trance. Diego scanned the area for a moment and then it hit him, he bent down to where he saw a somewhat small green plant growing by the sidewalk and picked of a stem with several leaves.

He held the leaves in front of Peep's nose for a moment for him to smell. As soon as Peep breathed it in he tried to grab it, but Diego had pulled it away. "That's the smell" Peep said happily, motioning to the plant in Diego's hand.

"Sugar, this is catnip"

"I need catnip" Peep said, unintentionally pouting a little when Diego seemed concerned to had it over.

"Sorry baby, I'm pretty sure you can just eat this stuff" he paused and Peep looked like he was trying to think of a way to protest, "listen kitten, I have an idea," Diego said, and quickly picked a few leaves of it.

Peep was napping on a couch backstage at the local venue where the Halloween rave was being held. Diego had taken the catnip back to one of the vacant tour bus and baked it, then rollIng it into a joint for Peep.

Diego noticed Peep asleep on the couch and smiled, he lit the catnip knowing Peep would recognize the smell. His eyes fluttered open, he quickly detected the smell and stared at Diego, confused.

"Try this" he said, handing it to Peep. Peep inhaled deeply and held the smoke in his lungs for a moment before releasing it and letting a smile plaster over his face, "your so nice" he said gratefully, realizing what Diego had done with the catnip. Diego smiled back, "it's nothing, sweetheart" he said,as the peep's newfound cat ears perked up fondly, both from the affection and as he took another hit from his catnip.

"Oh, kitty, you're gonna get yourself high off your ass" Diego said, ruffling Peep's hair, being careful not to hurt his sensitive cat ears. Peep gave him a big stoned grin and a sloppy kiss on the cheek. Before he to another hit of the catnip, giggling giddily and then turning away to cough out the fumes. Correction, Diego thought, more like Peep was already high off his ass

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