cute fights

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Diego and peep were trying to stay together during the first few days of school, and Diego was waiting at one of the study areas around the corner while his boyfriend was in the bathroom when a girl with bleach-blonde hair extensions and lots of lip liner approached him, inviting herself to sit on his lap.

"Whoa, bruh" he said, looking at her confident smile, a little confused, when Peep turned the corner.

‎ Quickly realizing what this looked like Diego shoved the girl off his lap, who scoffed. He tried to get his boyfriend and explain that he had no idea who she was or why she was doing that but he could see damage had already been done by the hurt look on peep's face, who tried to swallow the knot in his throat as he turned the corner to walk down the hallway way alone. Diego shot an angry look at the girl and flipped her off, before he also walked away.


Peep spent the next couple of days avoiding Diego, ignoring all of his messages. But still thinking about him all the time, watching him in the corner of his eye in the classes they had together, even if he wasn't sitting next to him anymore or talking to him, he was practically stalking his Instagram.

He didn't hate Diego, he was just mad at him, but he missed him, and really wanted him back, in fact, peep found himself not wanting to look in the mirror.

He was trying to drown out his own thoughts of Diego but could be brought back to a recent embarrassingly fond memory that made him blush when he saw the remains of bruise Diego had recently given him, sucked now a faded purple on the skin Diego had made a raw-pink on his collar bone.


‎It was Friday and Tracy was going to peep's house to just mess around and play videogames, but he knew peep really didn't want to think about Diego. Videogames were just a convenient way to temporarily escape his thoughts. But judging by the way he was rambling about a "blonde asshole" with "soul-eating hooker lips" Tracy could tell he missed Diego and thought he just might know who the girl was.

Tracy told peep he was stepping out for a smoke break and went to the back of the house, lighting a cigarette and ringing Diego's cell.

‎When he picked up Tracy took a deep breath, "he misses you, man"

‎ " I miss him too, bruh" Diego said sadly

‎"he's been rambling about a girl you were with?"

‎Diego explained how she just got on his lap and how he didn't actually know her and the pieces fell into place for Tracy. " Dude, that blonde bimbo spreads her legs for anyone's clout" he said inhaling from his cigarette again, " she's sucked off like thirty people in the past week, I don't blame you, I Know she practically violates a lot of people"

‎ "does Peep know that?" Diego asked.

Tracy was silent for a moment, trying to figure out the words he wanted to say, "he isn't really ready to hear that stuff yet, he's playing video games, hugging his dog, and crying over you.I think that shit broke off a piece his heart."

‎He stopped talking for a moment to let that news sink in, "listen, before I leave I'm gonna tell him about what really happened. You make him really happy, you know that?"

‎ "thanks bruh" Diego replied.

‎"take care,man" Tracy said, before hanging up.

After a few hours, late that Friday night Peep brought himself to call Diego, his anxiety swarming with questions, "what if Tracy isn't right, what if Diego lied and she's his new girlfriend, what if he doesn't even pick up?", Diego answered.

"You okay, sugar?" Diego asked, his voice filled with concern.

‎ "I can't believe you" Peep said, he was already feeling himself getting close to tears, "I hate you" he sniffled.

‎ "sweetheart, you've sucked my cock and told me you love me, please don't tell me you mean that?" Diego asked his tone was even, and there were a few seconds of silence from the other side before Peep answered in a tear-wilted voice "I don't mean it. I don't hate you" he said, hanging up quickly and letting out a big sigh, slumping against his bedroom wall.


On Monday, Peep walked with Tracy to school. Tracy and Diego had talked on the phone a few more times that weekend. Diego had decided that he would give peep time, he wouldn't pressure him, or demand he listened. He loved him and he missed him, and when the other boy had called him he knew Peep still felt for him too, especially when Tracy had called him and told him about how Peep was acting.

‎Peep walked up to Diego's locker seeing the other boy digging through an almost-empty backpack and threw his arms around him before Diego had time to actually understand what was going on.

‎He looked down, recognizing the pink hair and tattoos on Peep's neck and wrapped his arms around the boy too, keeping him in a bear-hug.

‎ " I missed you too, sweetheart" Diego said, locking his arms to keep Peep from pulling away, "and I'm sorry."

‎Peep sighed, "okay. But you have some explaining to do."

‎" Okay, baby." Diego replied, before they had to split apart to go to separate morning classes.

"Does this mean you forgive me sweetheart?" Diego asked, when Peep found him on a picnic bench in the beginning lunch, sitting down on his lap.

Peep didn't answer, instead just pawing at Diego's chest.

‎ Diego smirked,"does that mean yes?" He asked, moving his hands a few more inches up the boy's inner thighs.

" I guess" peep mumbled in a grouchy tone, "but don't you ever pull that shit again."

‎ " okay, baby. You're the only one who'll be in my lap"

‎ Diego reassured, gently kissing a soft bite into peep's neck.

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