@BIGSEXEY is my favorite

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I looked over Gus's shoulder, it was late and we were spending the night at Lena's. Adam, goth, Eric, and some others were staying the night here too. We'd partied with them after school and knew better than to try to drive home after drinking in the dark. Gus wanted to sleep in the den on the fold out couch and I wanted to sleep with Gus. He was looking at pictures on his phone; pictures of me. Nice ones. There was one of me by a hotel pool, and I could tell he didn't know I was watching because he zoomed in on my torso and bit his lip as he silently looked at my abdomen, there were some that were borderline creepy. I mean, there was one or two of me asleep, but honestly, that was nothing compared to some of the ones I had of him on my phone. He had all these nice ones of me, but I mainly had dirty ones of him; wearing kinky chockers and not much else. Or decorated in purple hickeys all-over and heart-shaped kisses. It made me worried. Does he know I love him for more than just his pretty little body? 

@BIGSEXEY is my favorite.

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