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"Hey, sweetheart" Diego called, getting Peep's attention, "wanna try?" He said as he picked up a black leather whip. "Not a chance in hell" Peep quickly replied.

"Come on, it could be fun" he said as he booped Peep's nose gently with the end of the whip.

‎"For you maybe," Peep almost whimpered, " that thing looks terrifying. I might as well let you use switchblade".

‎"Fine," Diego said as he rolled his eyes but gave Peep a kiss behind his ear, "I ain't tryna freak you out, princess."

‎Gus huffed in response, "well your doing a good job of it anyway, those things fucking hurt."

‎"Okay, I wouldn't want to hurt my baby anyways," he teased, " just scare him into doing a few things."

‎"stop it" Peep snapped, laughing at Diego's inability to be serious as he shoved him quickly, and switching the subject to a game of tag between the two in an extotic dance store.

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