lil bits of cyute stuffs

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I was walking through Diego's house after I took a shower, it was empty except for me and Diego,

I scurried down the stairs to the basement, I just wanted to be in bed with diego, houses got scary at midnight after you watch a load of horror movies. I was hurrying down the stairs and glanced behind my back out of sheer paranoia as I approached the end of the staircase, when strong arms engulfed me. "Shhh, I got you baby" Diego hushed. My shoulders relaxed when I realized it was just him, and I cuddled into his bare chest. "Alright, what was it now?" I knew he was asking me what horror movie I freaked out on watching, but I tried to play dumb about it, "I don't know what you're talking about" I said. "Baby." His voice was stern and made me gulp, "amusement, the clown" I explained. "Oh, Baby Bunny, ain't nothing to be afraid of" he told me, and pinched my thighs the way he does when he's gonna carry me, "c'mon, your coming to bed with me." He picked me up and kissed my head, and carried me to bed.

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