Sick prt.2

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Diego's eyes opened slowly as he woke up, glancing down to see Peep snuggled against his chest. smirking, seeing his red fingernails digging into his chest by the fabric of his hoodie.

He put the back of his hand to Peep's forehead to check his temperature, and grew a little concerned as his skin definitely felt clammy. Diego moved out from under Peep, careful not to wake him. Peep still stirred lightly, wanting the heat source back.

A few minutes later Diego returned with a thermometer, crouching down by Peep who was still mostly asleep. "Open up for me, Baby." He said softly, holding the thermometer to Peep's mouth. Peep looked at him with half-lidded eyes and opened his mouth, letting Diego put the thermometer in. He ran his fingers through Peep's soft pink hair as he waited for the thermometer to beep.

His eyes were closed, and he was in bliss of the calm and rhythmic strokes of Diego's fingers. The thermometer beeped, causing Peep's eyes to flutter open a little. "Shhh" Diego said, trying to keep him asleep as he pulled out the thermometer. His fever had gone down a few degrees, but was definitely still there. "You need anything?" He asked. Peep looked up through half-lidded eyes, half-asleep and not really completely conscious to understand the question. Diego smiled, ruffling his hair. Confident he'd be fine in a day or two and kissing his nose, whispering " you'll be fine, Peepers". 

lil Xan X lil Peep ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now