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Diego pulled peeps face down to him to kiss each of his cheeks. "Mm' Diego..." Peep trailed off, his eyes were still closed and he looked half asleep. "What is it, baby?" He asked as he ran his fingers through peep's coloured hair gently. Peep leaned into his touch, "mmm ... dreaming about Diego", a sleepy smile spread across his face.

"Morning, baby. how was your dream?" "How did you- i, I mean, I don't know what your talking about." Peep said quickly, but he could tell Diego knew something, and his pink cheeks probably weren't helping. "Give it up, sweetheart; sometimes you talk in your sleep." Diego explained. Peep blushed even harder, " w-what did you hear?" He asked nervously. Diego smirked down at him, "not much, you moaned a little,mainly just saying my name or daddy, you seemed to really want something too, you were begging for it and promised to behave for me if I gave you more" pppp looked like he was about to pass out. "I'm just playing with you" Diego chuckled, "all I heard was you saying I was interrupting a dream you were enjoying about Diego. Why, was some of it true?" "I-i don't remember" "why would you blush at something you don't remember?why won't you tell me?" "Because it's embarrassing" peep whined. "But baby, if you tell me your dream, maybe I could make it come true" peep chewed on his bottom lip nervously before Diego tugged on it lightly with two fingers, "don't bite down so hard, baby. You'll hurt yourself." Peep whimpered quietly from the sensation. "Now walk me through that dream of yours" Diego said sternly, his hands already holding peep's torso. Peep signed and submitted and put his hands over Diego's to move them across his body where they had been in the dream. He rubbed peep's bare skin gently, " this is what you wanted" peep whimpered a little bit as Diego warmed the sensitive skin.

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