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"why do you sound so chill about it?"

Taehyung stood up and went for the large mirror to see the same marks on his cheeks and it amazed him at how beautiful the two marks could be.

"because I am chill?"


"i don't find any problem in letting you stay, we're soulmates after all"

leaning on the door frame, Jungkook looked at Taehyung who was busy checking himself out in the mirror with his new marks and it made Jungkook proud that Taehyung found his marks beautiful.

"I can't believe i'll be carrying two marks from now on"

Taehyung smiled as he adored himself on the mirror while Jungkook walked towards him.

distracted from the view of himself, Taehyung didn't notice Jungkook approach him until he felt someone wrap their hands around his waist which means someone was giving him a back-hug.



inhaling Taehyung's scent was like a reliever for Jungkook, he could just cuddle with Taehyung all day and it would mean a lot to him, he was deeply attracted to Taehyung already, it's like the man had already got him wrapped around his finger.

"what are you doing?"

"hugging my soulmate?"


"because I like you"


it struck Taehyung's heart, and it made him very soft when Jungkook decided to hold his hand as well.

"my heart is weak stop it~"

he groaned as he watched Jungkook stare at the mirror to get a view of Taehyung, he laughed as he saw how Taehyung was internally suffering claiming that his heart is weak as he turns soft and mushy inside.

"you guys are disgustingly cute"

Jimin could be heard on the other side of the room as he looked at his bestfriend being all cute with his other bestfriend.

"shut up hyung, you were more disgustingly cute with your two lovebirds"

Jungkook rolled his eyes remembering that one time he caught his hyungs in action because he wanted to get his book back to study.

"s-shut up"

blushing at the memory, Jimin took his phone and ran away from the two who were still in the same place before they were interrupted.

"so what do you wanna do?"

"it's already night time kook"

"yeah and you haven't eaten yet"

"so.. are you gonna cook for me?"

"well if you want we could just eat out"

"i'd rather taste your cooking"

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"so what did you cook?"

Jungkook placed the tray in front of Taehyung and saw his amazed face, making Jungkook proud once more.

"you seriously made this?"

"mhm, why?"

"i've never had home cooked meals before"

Tteokbokki and Gimbap was served and it impressed Taehyung, it's been so long since he had tteokbokki.

/i'm super hungry someone help/

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