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Jungkook groaned after being interrupted by his hyungs while sleeping, well except for yoongi who had sat down outside not bothering to even come and disturb them since he knew the others were already capable of doing it.

"so... did you guys just cuddle?"

"yeah we did, we fell asleep next to each other, now would you please let us sleep?"

shushed voices was their way of talking since not only were they super loud, it's also because Taehyung was still sleeping and still caged inside Jungkook's arms.

"fine, but can you let us play xbox?"

"hyung! just go out"

"that's a yes right?"


"let's go!"

Jin grabbing Hoseok and Jimin's hands, went out with Namjoon quietly following behind them with a worried face, they always scream whenever someone loses and getting the request from Kook to be quiet made him feel sorry since that request ain't happening today.

after the door had finally closed, Jungkook finally let out a loud sigh and caressed taehyung's face, he still thought that he'd bear his mark alone and not find a soulmate, but here he is, having two marks and looking at his mark on another man's skin.

"i'll never get sick of looking at these beautiful marks on your skin"

he patted down Taehyung's hair and studied the sleeping voice, he was cute but his voice was surprisingly deep and it kind of turned Jungkook, it can be like Tae can switch from baby to daddy and it made him curious if he was exactly a baby or a daddy- but from the looks of it he was a baby.

stop right there mister.

"why am I having these thoughts?"

"thoughts like what?"

a kind of husky voice responded to Jungkook and it made him look at Taehyung in 0.5 seconds to see the boy rub his eyes and smile at Jungkook with his eyes half-open.


"morning my daddy hoe"

"morning baby hoe"

"my sleep was unexpectedly very nice"

"these babies don't disappoint"

showing Taehyung his muscles, he flexed right there on the spot and it made Taehyung chuckle.

"the others are outside, do you want to go out?"

"yeah, it's fine"

"they may be-"


"as I was saying-"


"can't they jus-"


frustrated, jungkook massaged his temples and he could hear the yelling outside to inside of the room and it entertained Taehyung how they were making Jungkook irritated, was he gonna see him mad? it made him think that Jungkook would look so hot with a mad look and it almost made Taehyung whimper at the thought of top Kookie.

but he looks like the most bottom baby of them all.

nah we can switch if he'd like.

already planning inside his head, Taehyung was snapped from his thoughts when Jungkook held his hand and guided him up.

"i told them to keep quiet"

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