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"Taehyung? does Jungkook even feed you?"

"yes he does"

Taehyung straight up answered Bambam with no hesitation at all, it wasn't jungkook's fault, it was his.

he'd throw up everything he'd eat instead of starving himself, no one would suspect a thing if he did, all they know is that he eats.

"you should eat more"

i'm fat enough.

"maybe later"

"come and eat with me, i wanna make sure"

"if you insist"

Bambam could be easily fooled and Taehyung knows it because of the years they've been working with each other.


"so Taehyung"

"I know what you're gonna say Jimin"

"you should take care of yourself, bambam says you look like a stick"

"bruh, i don't know if I should be proud or insulted"

"we'll talk later at your's when you get home"

"I am on my home now"

"good, see you soon then"

"bye bye you hoe"

"bye bitch"

Taehyung ended the call and hid his phone in his left pocket before carrying his bag and entering the black vehicle.

"thanks for the food B"

Bambam smiled and waved him off, before speeding off, wanting to be home with Yugyeom.

"god i am so tired"

his stomach growled but he ignored it, he was used to ignoring it by now and surprisingly no one has ever heard it growl that loud.


the padding of feet were the ones that greeted taehyung as he entered the apartment and he was tackled down by his bestfriend a.k.a the one and only park jimin.

"you did lose some weight"

wow that felt good to hear. that's what taehyung thought and he was just happy thinking that maybe he should try harder to lose weight, so he could get more praises.


"what do you fucking mean by thanks?"

"for the compliment?"

"bitch you look like an old stick"

"you're just exaggerating"

"hell to the no, i am not"


"i'm calling jeon"

"the fuck? no!"

jimin dodged taehyung who tried snatching the phone from him and once a familiar voice answered his call. he told jungkook everything.

"i'm so sorry jimin"

"no it's alright, i'll be making sure that he's eating"

"thank you, i'll be home by tomorrow, one more promotion and I can have a month off"

"make it fast kook"

Taehyun sat there, upset and surprised that someone cared deeply for his health but they didn't know the reason behind this.

maybe jungkook has a clue because he caught me.

taehyung knew he'll get a scolding from Jungkook and he feels like a disappointment to him. he wasn't suppose to worry jungkook but look what he did. he caused a damn lot of trouble.

"i'm sorry jimin.."

he sobbed harder every secone and Jimin just frowned, upset and worried for Taehyung, he hasn't seen his bestfriend this sad and down.

"tell me why"

(A/N: ain't nothing but a heartache~)


"please tell me taetae"

jimin was a sensitive person like tae but he was far worse than taehyung, he'd easily be affected even though other people count it as a little bit only.

"jiminie, don't cry"

"but you're also crying"

"that's because I made you all worry, why are YOU crying?"

"because you are crying and you're worrying me"

they laughed and sobbed like idiots on the floor as they hugged.

"promise me when kook gets here, you'll try to fix this okay?"

"i-i promise"


"yes i will jiminie"

Taehyung managed to dodge the question jimin asked earlier-

"tell me the reason"

or not.

"i-i've been getting a lot of hate"


"jungkook's f-fans"

"oh honey.."

right now Jimin sounds like Taehyung's mother but instead of laughing, he felt more sadder. he wanted his mom by his side right now.

"those aren't fans if they treat jungkook's partner like this, don't mind them"

"but it's everyone chim"

"don't, let's stay strong together"


"you and me hoe, i've been through the same thing"

"thank you jiminie"

he hugged jimin tighter, they couldn't talk, just their bodies hugging was enough to feel their bestfriend's emotions, jimin felt sad for tae and tae felt sad for jimin.

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