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"dab boi dab boi"

the two have been joking around with each other from night to morning, Taehyung and Jungkook wanted to be so happy for them but they barely got sleep last night when the two blasted "Gucci Gang" at 1am.

"why did we let them sleep here again?"

"i don't also know"

laughter erupted again from Taehyung's room as the two were probably having fun again and they were really going well.

"i don't know if we could separate them"


the two groaned when another song blasted and this time it was some turnt up song where it could hype you up but the two weren't having it right now.

"can you guys turn the volume down a little bit?!"


two voice responded back and it made the two almost rip their hair out from frustration.


Taehyung and Jungkook made their way to the dining table and watch as the two get their things and exit the damn door.

"i'll be out by 1pm Jungkook"


"I said I need to be there by 1, i might come home by 1am"


"you aren't gonna say anything? hold me back?"

"no. it wouldn't do anything"

it hurt jungkook how they had to be apart by so many hours and it was seriously making him irritated how he couldn't hold his baby every minute.

"goodluck Taehyung"

he stood up and got his banana milk, he had a few of these just incase he was stressed or he needed something to comfort him, and banana milk was the only thing there whenever he felt like he needed space.


Taehyung hummed and looked at Jungkook, he found it cute how the boy was obviously mad but tried keeping it in, he could already see through Jungkook like an open book.



Taehyung managed to say while his finger was pointing at Jungkook who sat infront of him while sipping on and on till it was empty.

"i'm not"

"yes you are"

"nope totally not"

"you do"

Taehyung chuckled and stood up not waiting for Jungkook to say more and argue further, he kissed Jungkook's cheeks and went inside their room for a shower.



Jungkook didn't want to look at Taehyung he was still angry from some reason and he knew looking at Taehyung's visually good- looking-wig-snatching-panty-dropping appearance would make him fall immediately and just kiss the man.

"are you still mad kookie~"

"i'm not"

"but you are~"

he felt a hand rub his thighs and it made him sit still and continue watching the show that ended by now.

"don't be mad at your cute bubs~"

"i'm not mad"

"you are~ it's obvious"

"i may be mad"


Taehyung chuckled and hit Jungkook's arm lightly before laying down on his lap and looking at the man's jawline that could cut an apple by now.

Jawline game is too strong, thigh game is also strong.

he was practically drooling over Jungkook who kept himself distracted by focusing on the television.

"you really won't pay attention to your bubs?"


Taehyung couldn't help but release a sigh of defeat and poke Jungkook's tummy before a hand stopped him from doing so.



Taehyung said, popping the 'p' as well, Jungkook looked down to see Taehyung who flashed him the cute boxy smile everyone loved.

damn it.

"kookie, come on- you can't ignore me forever!"

taehyung huffed as he hugged jungkook's waist, Jungkook was trying really hard not to give in and just cuddle the boy in his arms.

"what are you even mad about my sweet sugar plum"

Taehyung was now covering Jungkook's view of the television and sat on his lap, letting his legs wrap themselves around Jungkook's waist.

"i don't know.."

"you're so cute, you know that?"

"how many times do I have to tell you that i'm not?"

Taehyung couldn't help but kiss jungkook on his cheeks and pinch them before playing with them for a little while.

"you so"

kiss on the forehead.


kiss on the nose.


kiss on his left cheek

"when you"

kiss on the right cheek.


a kiss on the lips.

Jungkook couldn't take it anymore, he smiled and hugged taehyung while the man laughed it off before hugging the boy back.

"seems like you can't really handle this cutie"

Taehyung pointed to himself and laughed.

"you are so evil, you know that?"

"yes i do sir"

Jungkook rolled his eyes and poked taehyung's sides making Taehyung squeal in surprise and move off of Jungkook.

"someone's ticklish"


Taehyung begged when he saw Jungkook weirdly move his hands around the air and top him, he knew Jungkook was gonna be torturing him with tickles and make him cry from all the laughing.

"don't what bubs?'

"don't continue what y-you're about t-to do k-kookie!"

they ended up rolling off the couch and landing on the floor with a huge thud and Taehyung's cry for help while laughing was heard outside the door while he was helplessly tickled by Jungkook.

seriously? idk where tf this book gonna go and how it's gonna end. save me

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