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"kookie you're finally home!!"

Taehyung choked- I mean hugged the life out of Jungkook who laughed at the cuteness Taehyung showed him and who was he to not hug back?

"i missed you bubs"

"i missed how you'd call me bubs!"

he nuzzled his nose on the crook of Jungkook's neck and it felt amazing to be in his arms again, he felt warm and safe.

"you two are so dramatic, it's only been 4 days-"

"4 D A Y S "

Taehyung scoffed and it made Jimin roll his eyes, he also couldn't blame Taehyung, he knew the feeling of being away from young beloved ones for almost a week or a month- he just liked teasing Taehyung.

"i don't know how you'll survive the 3 months of Jungkook being away- the man has got to attend a concert."

it saddened Taehyung but he shrugged it off, what's important is that they're cuddling right now and that Jimin and Hoseok had been getting ready to leave to let them be.

"off we go then"

"bye jimine"

"babush you hoe"

"yeah yeah"

they heard the door close and that hoseok's loud voice could still be heard in the distance but they chose to not even focus on what he was yelling.

"i really missed you"

he brushed Jungkook's bangs away and it showed Taehyung's mark- he was sad that it was getting hidden by his bangs but he couldn't do anything- they stylist had them covered because of his hairstyle.

"come to think of it, maybe we should go and eat out you know?"

"are you asking me on a date sir?"

"hmm, yes- yes I am."

"well I accept your kind offer young sir"

"why thank you mr.tae, we shall plan out where to get our luxurious food then"

they spoke in a weird accent and started helping each other stand up now.

"so- would you like some barbecue then?"

"now i do"

"barbecue it is then!"


Jungkook grabbed his hoodie and a mask to cover himself up while Taehyung got ready himself, also wearing a mask before heading to where Jungkook sat.

he grabbed Taehyung's hands and headed outside to quickly run to the most nearest korean barbecue restaurant.


"i swear to god this pork is my life!"

he grilled the pork and had been eyeing the other meat which he'll surely grill and eat later, but now his stomach is making these noises that makes him want to just shove the whole food down his throat.

"you're still hungry?"

Jungkook took one last piece then laid back and rubbed his stomachb before watching Taehyung devour the left meat on the table, he was proud that Taehyung had liked the place he had decieded to go to.

"just wait a little more kookie! i'll be done"

Taehyung laughed and started chewing the meat, he moaned as he found the meat yummy and it wanted him to never leave the place again but he knew Jungkook would drag him anyways.

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