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"I don't think I could eat another day"

patting his tummy, taehyung rolled over for Jungkook to lay down beside him.

"you're over reacting"

they just came home and the first thing that they did was lay down beside each other and rest.

"it was like a buffet or some shit"

"you should curse less taetae"

if this wasn't Jungkook then Taehyung could've beaten the boy because he's never been told to limit what words can come out of his mouth and he can say whatever he wants but-


"such words shouldn't come out of that pretty mouth"

well there goes Taehyung's fanboy heart all giddy and happy just from those cheesy words Jungkook says, this man is impossible.

"you're so damn cheesy"

"well I know you like it"

"i- whatever"

Jungkook always does this and it makes Taehyung mad, because whenever they debate over something, Jungkook always ends up winning and winning.

"aww bubs, don't get mad"

"i'm not"

"whatever helps you sleep at night"

Jungkook pretended to believe Taehyung even though he could see right through the lies.

"you help me sleep at night"

it was just a whisper and Jungkook couldn't hear it since he stood up from the floor, yes they were on the floor, and looked down at Taehyung who still laid down there.

"why don't we go to our bedroom?"


sounds nice.


entering the bedroom, Taehyung felt hot and his face was turning red, memories coming back to him and he shook his head trying not to remember all those details.

"what's wrong bub?"

"c-can we sleep in your bed tonight?"

Jungkook smirked knowing Taehyung remembers all of the things that happened here but he just hid his amusement by nodding.

"do you feel comfortable now bubs?"

"yeah, thanks"

laying down on Jungkook's bed was the best thing Taehyung did and not to sound creepy but the scent that covered the bed was calming, it would help taehyug sleep.

"you okay there?"

"yeah, aren't you gonna lay down?"

"oh yeah, let me just change clothes"

Jungkook got one of his plain white shirt and threw the other one on the laundry basket in the corner, Jungkook changed his clothes right there and god bless taehyung for he has sinned just by that.

don't let the whore jump out again tae.

he shook his head as he felt the other side of the bed dip and he was embraced in a hug by Jungkook.

"hey bubs?"

"remember when you thought my name was Juankook?"


it made Taehyung laugh as he hugged Jungkook back and snuggled closer to him, he was comfortable like this, everything that includes Jungkook comforts him.

"I was actually thinking that you were high when you came up to me and said that"

"but jimin said your name was Juancock"

"well you shouldn't believe in wasted bastards bubs"

he laughed it off and hugged taehyung tighter.

"oh come on, atleast I still got to talk to you right?"

"yeah, if we didn't shake hands, would you think that we could've found each other sooner?"

"no, I was actually about to move to daegu to visit my agency and meet other models if I hadn't shook your hand"

"does that mean you were gonna stay there if we didn't found out?"

"maybe we couldn't have met at all since modelling includes a lot of travelling due to venues"

"i'm glad you offered your hand for mine to shake then"

"i'm glad I did"

the two didn't know if they should laugh or cry from the talk they've been doing since it wasn't clear what emotion were they feeling.

"speaking about your meeting with the other models"


"when were you suppose to meet them?"

"last two days ago.."

"why didn't you tell me?"

Jungkook looked at taehyung like he was crazy and like he did something wrong but then Taehyung calmed Kookie down by smiling.

"my manager told me to take my time this week and just shoot next week, they understand kookie"

"they aren't angry?"

"why would they be?"

"a billion selling model missing out on a important event-"

"do you want me out of your side then?"


without hesitation Jungkook answered and he was dead serious when he answered, Taehyung found it cute how Jungkook didn't even hesitate.

"how cute kookie"

pursing his lips, Taehyung squeezed Jungkook's cheeks and it earned a loud groan from the younger making Taehyung laugh more.

"i'm not cute-"

"shut up, you are"

"no am not"

"yes you are"


"you are cute now shush you little bean and sleep"

rather than fighting more with Taehyung, Jungkook decided to follow whatever Taehyung likes and watch him fall asleep in Jungkook's arms, before he could even fall asleep himself, Jungkook heard the words come out of taehyung's mouth that made him scowl and smile like an idiot.

"damn you coconut head for making me like you"

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