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"so you're telling me that the mark aches when soulmates leaves the other one for good?"


well the two decided to hang out with Namjoon and Jin, surprisingly they only know some things.

"don't worry you two, you already look whipped for each other"

was that how they looked? it's impossible it's only been a week.

a week.

"Taehyung you're gonna be away right?"

"uhm yeah.."

"i'll miss you"

before they could even kiss, a hand interrupts the two and a cough butts in.

"take your damn business in your own room"

chuckling at themselves, the two decided to stop it right there before Jin kicks their asses outside of their house.

"by the way hyung, how long have you known Namjoon hyung?"

Taehyung didn't know when or how Jin met Namjoon and all Jungkook could do was facepalm and get ready for some story that Jin likes to tell.

"ah! well, you see I was just waiting at the cashier to make some damn order but then this weird dude, which is obviously Namjoon, approached me in all his hot daddy glory and made some corny ass pick-up lines but of course I pretended to like them since he was hot-"

"but you told me you liked them!"

"shush you man, i'm telling our love story"

Taehyung admired the chemistry the two had and what was the secret in having a good relationship like them.

"anwyays! he introduced himself as the-"

Jin did the quotation sign with his hands and rolled his eyes.

"most handsome man that can probably make you panty drop, kim Namjoon"

Laughing his ass off Taehyung held his stomach and almost fell off his seat.

"he said t-that?"

Taehyung was practically wheezing by now and he saw Jungkook sit there not uttering a single word nor did he pay attention to his hyung's words, maybe he had heard this too much by now.

"so after the long talk, Namjoon decided it was time to go back and know me better if you know what I mean"

wiggling his eyebrows, Jin sassily waved his hand in the air.

"we were about to fuck when the door of his house closed but then before we could even touch, the lights turned on and there stood his family, congratulating him on finally getting his driver's license, we were butt naked at that time"

trying not to laugh again, Taehyung looked at beet red Namjoon who tried supressing in the urge to hold down Jin and stop him from saying more but he knew what he'd get in return if he did so.

"but Namjoon being the gentleman he is covered me first since he doesn't want the people around to see my beautiful butt but then when he wrapped a coat around my waist, we felt a dizzy and all I could see was my mark finally placing itself on his skin"

"you didn't faint?"

"no, my vision just went blurry for a minute, I was so surprised when you passed out though"

it was true, jin looked like he was about to have a heart attack, Jimin told Taehyung all the details from when Jungkook ran to everyone's reaction.

"yeah, sorry about that.."

"no need, would you like to have some lasagne?"

"yes please!"

Jungkook's attention was stolen away from his phone when he hears the mention of food that Jin cooked and prepared.

"whatever Jungkook"

going inside the kitchen, Jin decided to let Namjoon sit with the two since he might accidentally break the plate or mess the food up.

"Jin takes food to another level"

"I sometimes wonder if he loves the food more"

sighing and feeling sad, Namjoon rested his head on the table and looked at the counter.

"I heard that you two! I love you baby don't worry!"

"yeah yeah love you too"

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"what is it with everyone feeding us with a huge amount?"

groaning, the two rolled over to the couch and cuddled, they didn't want to leave yet, sure they had the best meals of their lives but the amount of what they've eaten wasn't helping them walk to the living room which was like 15 steps away.

"you two are perfect for each other, total drama queens"

"whatever jin hyung!"

the two yelled from the living room and continued doing their cuddling business.

"hey kookie?"


"do you think we'll last forever?"

"of course we will! we're soulmates taehyung.."

"just because we're soulmates doesn't mean we won't have rough fights and disagreements"

"whatever fight we come across, we'll face it together"

"what if it's a fight between us.."

"bubs, it's us versus the fight not me versus you"

"wow mister president"

while the two were talking, Namjoon and Jin were watching them from the dining table and proudly looking at the two lovebirds.

"sometimes I think Jungkook grew up too quickly"

Jin smiled but it was a sad one, Namjoon couldn't help but roll his eyes as he goes to Jin's side and comfort him.

"what do you mean?"

"well remember when we saw him? he was  just a 15 years old, small bean but now he's all manly and it makes me wonder how can he grow up so fast"

Namjoon kind of understands, he also sometimes wonder how Jungkook managed to transform from a boy to man so fast.

"but atleast he finally met his soulmate"

dramatically wiping his tears, Jin chuckled and hugged namjoon who laughed at Jin's cuteness as he showered him with kisses.

"aren't they just cute?"

taking out his phone, Jin and Namjoon carefully approached the two, not letting them see what they were up to.


the sound of him pressing and the flash appearing interrupted Jungkook and Taehyung, who had their eyes widened by now at the sudden action.

cheekily smiling, Jin bowed and snatched Namjoon's arm before dashing out of the living room leaving the two confused and embarrassed.

"i forgot the flash was goddamn on"

Jin hissed at his phone but smiled at the lovely picture he managed to get.

"you know you're a trouble maker"

Namjoon sat down beside him on their bed as he looked at the taken photo.

"but you still love me tho"

"true to that"

the room filling with Jin's laughter made the two downstairs roll their eyes and get their asses off the couch to finally make their leave.

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