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❥ just wanted to listen to anpanman ❥

"taehyung you should go and talk to Jimin.."

"yeah uhm about that"

Taehyung was actually dying inside to run to Jimin, he was the only close person he ever had and all the things he said were out of anger and it made him feel guilty.

"what is it bub?"

"I don't know how to approach him.."

"the hyungs said he's caging himself inside their room"

"he is?"

this isn't the first time he heard Jimin lock himself in, whenever the man receives hate, he isolates himself and now taehyung regrets opening his mouth again when he's angry. he knew Jimin was gonna starve himself if this fight doesn't end soon.

"i'll go there with you if you'd like"

"yes please"

Taehyung smiled at Jungkook, he was thankful there was still someone like Jungkook who'd be there whenever you need him.

"let me just tell the hyungs"

❥actually enjoying doing stuff like this asdasd ❥

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❥actually enjoying doing stuff like this asdasd ❥

"they're dying"

Jungkook turned to taehyung who was wearing his shoes at the door with his cute peachy sweatshirt on.

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when they arrived at the house where the three lived, taehyung kept on convincing himself that he shouldn't be nervous and that he should man up and fix all of this.


hobi kneeled infront of him and practically begged him to let Jimin out of his room and to eat with them, jimin hasn't eaten in 2 days, yoongi says. he'll just get water in the middle of the night and an apple.

now, taehyung stood in front of Jimin's room where he could feel the cold air escaping and it was hitting his toes.


"go away hoseok!"

"this isn't hoseok hyung"


there was a little bit of confusion heard in Jimin's voice and it turned taehyung worried when the man's voice was weak. he was supposed to stay healthy considering that the fans would be so worried if he'd collapse on performance.

"what are you doing here? I thought you hated me?"

"well I still kind of do but then I realized you're one kind of a hoe"

he didn't hear a response from Jimin and they were talking while the door was still closed making Taehyug sit down in front of the room and lean on the door, not knowing jimin was doing the same on the other side.

"so about what I said in the park.. it wasn't true, i was just mad that I learned about it from someone else first aside from you"

"i'm at fault too taetae, i didn't contact you for a year.."

"i still love you chim don't worry"

suddenly falling back, taehyung held the back of his head and saw Jimin, he was sadly smiling and they cuddled on the floor while the three were clueless about everything that was happening upstairs.

"wow, I actually feel like something was lifted"

Yoongi stated as he smiled to himself, he looked like an idiot when he smiles, well that's what he thinks until Hoseok snatched his hand away from his face and kissed his cheeks making their smiles get bigger.

"please spare me"

Jungkook cringed at the sight of his hyungs kissing in front of him and he didn't want the atmosphere to turn awkward.

"looks like the two made up"

Jungkook looked at the stairs and wondered what was happening there.

sighing, Jungkook decides that he'll just have to shut the world out for a moment since everyone is busy and that they're in their own world. taking his phone out, Jungkook pressed a random game that he couldn't even remember when or how he installed it.


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Jungkook looked at Taehyung with a surprised look, he didn't notice how long he was playing the game, when he said that he was gonna shut the world out, he didn't know he'd really do it.

"what is it bubs?"

"and here you're telling us to keep it down"

hoseok huffed and it made yoongi laugh.

"do you wanna go now?"

"don't you have to spend time with Jimin hyung?"

"we've been talking for the straight 4 hours what do you mean?"

checking the time it was already 5pm and it made Jungkook stand up and fix himself but before they could make it to the door, Jimin and Hoseok blocked the way, making the two raise a brow at the same time.

"okay that's kind of creepy how you two did that"

"but we need you guys to stay"

Jimin and Hoseok flashed their award winning smiles and begged the two to stay without telling them the reason.


"please eat dinner with us?"

"we really made a lot"

the two continued to act cute and pout with all their power, even though it wasn't working on the two, they agreed on eating with them.

"why did you guys even cook this much?"

when they entered the kitchen, it seemed like they prepared more than 5 people could eat, he looked at the three hyungs and shrugged his shoulders.

"we were trying to cook something and we fought about how much was there to put until we realized there was a huge amount already"


that was all the two could do and there was nothing else they could say to escape.

"we should call Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung"

"that's actually a great idea! i'll call them!"

Hoseok rushed out of the kitchen and four of them sat down on the table and started eating on the food served in front of them.

I actually feel so shy about the unholy scene.. i was being a crackhead that day and reading it's making me want to delete it rn akfborm

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