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when the .............doorbell rings. Pragya jumped back and Abhi groaned in frustration. She giggled and rushed towards the room as he opened the door. There standing a girl in pencil skirt and white shirt with a plastered smile. He looks at her confused.

Girl - Mr. Mehra...??

He frowned but nodded.

Girl - Hello Sir, I am from Chariot Hotel.(giving him a something) Mr. Luthra send me here to deliver this to you personally.

He widen his eyes listening to this and immediately came outside shutting the door.

Abhi (in slow voice)- Thank you so much for this. But please don't come here. We can discuss all this on-call okay. (She nodded as he continued) Once again Thank you.

She smiles in response and left from there. He entered into their apartment and hide it in his luggage and sits on bed picking Emma in his hold.

Yes he brings her here too.

Pragya (coming from washroom)- Who was there..???

Abhi (smile nervously)- Aah..a.. No one.(she looked at him in frown) I mean the person knock on the wrong door by mistake.

She nodded with a 'Oh' and headed towards the kitchen which they arranged properly yesterday only.

She entered into the kitchen and wide her eyes horrified. All things were messed up, vegetables on the floor, oil and floor on the counter.

Pragya (shouted on the top of her voice)- Abhhiiiiiiii........!!!!

He jumped on his position and rushed towards her. She gave him a glare and he looks at her with a sheepish smile.

Pragya (pointing the mess, little annoyed) - What on earth were you doing in my kitchen...??? Oh no, now I have to clean it too.

Don't know why she felt irritated by it. Maybe because she still on her days or maybe because she is too hungry right now or maybe she noticed the girl and him locking the door from outside. But her words made the effect to disappear Abhi's sheepish smile.

Abhi (in a serious tone)- I tried preparing dinner for us. Thought you will be tired and hungry after work. Don't worry I will clean your kitchen.

"Shit. What did you do Pragya..??" sudden guilt appeared in her eyes as she noticed the hurt on his face. She mentioned her kitchen, Just because her company gave her accommodation, doesn't mean she owns it. It is their home for a year.

Pragya - I..I am so....

Abhi (manage a small smile)- It's okay Pragya . Dinner is ready. If you want you can eat, I'll just come.

He rushed back into the room and tears tripped down from her eyes realizing she hurt him for the first time. She looked towards the kitchen again and noticed the bowl arranged on the side counter. She burst out in tears looking at his efforts he made for her. She ran towards their room but found it empty. Then she listened water flowing inside the washroom and sat on the bed still tearing. She picked Emma in her lap and hugged her tightly.

Pragya (sobbing)- Look, what I did Emma..!! I hurt him..!! Hurt my Abhi...!!! How can I do this..?? (hiccup) I am bad, very bad,(hiccup) very very bad wife.(hiccup) It's not been even a week and I know,(hiccup)I made him regret his decision to come here with me.

As soon as the door of washroom opened, Pragya rushed and hugged him tightly.

Pragya (sobbing)- I..I am sorry Abhi...!! I am really really sorry. Please don't think of leaving me.(he frowned and tried to part her from him but she clutched him more tightly) No, please...I am sorry Abhi. I will not repeat anything like that. Please don't leave me.

Khatti Meethi (Abhigya Version) ✔️ (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now