KM - 41

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Heya guys,🙋

I am here with the next update. Do enjoy. 😊


Pragya's phone kept ringing but Abhi snatched it from her hand.

Abhi (glaring) - No...!! You are not going to pick it up..!!

Pragya (pouting) - But Abhi, Baba will be very worried.

Abhi (sliding the green button) - Then let me handle it.

As soon as he accepted the call, Raghu's concerned voice echoed in his ears.

Raghu - Princess...!! Are you alright ? Why weren't you picking my call ?

Abhi (smirking) - Your Son-In-Law is here, Father-In-Law.

Raghu (growling) - Why were you taking her calls..? Where is my princess??

Abhi (looking at Ragini) - Your princess is my queen now. So let her spend time with her King and don't disturb us.

Her jaw dropped and she tried to snatch her phone back but he put it on height. She tried but he took it higher and she looked at him with pout.

Raghu - Give phone to her...!! Tell her that I am waiting for her at home..!!

Abhi (with a goofy smile) - She isn't going to come home tonight, Father-In-Law. And now, please don't call again. (faking a sad tone) You know it disturbed us everytime.

He cut the call as soon as he completed his sentence and Raghu growled on the other side.

Sarla (looked at him in confusion) - What happened, Raghu ?

Raghu (grunting in response) - That stupid boy..!! He ...he is taking my princess somewhere. How can he...!!!

Sarla (calmly) - Let them spend time Raghu, They are husband and wife now. You can't keep them away all the time.

Raghu - But-

Sarla - No, Raghu..!! Give them some alone time. (grabbing phone from his hand) And don't call them again. They are adults now and they know their responsibilities.

He looked at her with sad smile and nodded

Raghu - I missed my princess and I am just not ready to let her go yet.

Sarla - One day she has to go, It's the rule of society, Raghu. But you should be happy that she will be this close to us. You can meet her anytime you want.

Raghu nodded with sad face and left towards his room. Sarla looked at him with small smile and headed outside to inform Manika about them.


Pragya - Abhi, You shouldn't have said that to baba. What will he think?

Abhi - He will think that his SIL loves his princess so much that he can't able to live without her for a second.

He grabbed her from waist and dragged her to his chest. Her cheeks warmed up as her soft body touched his hard one.

Pragya - Abhi, We are in public.

Abhi (said in her ear huskily) -So, Let go somewhere in private, Wifey.

He took her hand and dragged her outside the college building. He sat on the bike and she sat behind her. He grabbed her hands and made her arms around his waist. She smiled in delight and tighten her grip around him and placed her head on his back. He smiled widely and started the bike. The engine roared and they flew away in a blink of a second.

Khatti Meethi (Abhigya Version) ✔️ (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now