KM - 38

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Abhigya were sleeping holding each other in a tight embrace. Her head was gently placed on his chest and his arms securely wrapped around her waist.

She slowly opened her eyes with and yawned. A beautiful smile spread across her lips to see him sleeping so peacefully. But suddenly all turns of event flashed in front of her eyes making her frown.

She struggled in his hold and made herself released. She glared at the person sleeping beside him as his eyes opened lazily. He gave her a smile and she made her glare hard from the last one.

Suddenly she smacked on his shoulder making him startled. He looked at her confused and she started hitting him furiously.

Pragya (fuming and smacking him)- You...!!! (hit) How can you (hit) do this to me? (hit) Do this to us. (hit-hit)

Abhi (trying to stop her) - Pragya I....

Pragya (still hitting but looking here and there) - I will not leave you. You made me cry for years. (she grabbed the pillow to hit him when she felt her hands were hurting) How rude you pretended to me back then. (hitting with pillow vigorously) How can I love a man like you this much.

Abhi smiled listening her which got her more annoy.

Pragya (still hitting) - Don't smile, you stupid.

Abhi (smirking) - Don't call my Fuggy's Abhi stupid. (in a secretive tone) If she heard naa... she will kill you with her bare hand.

Pragya scoffed and hit on his head and he laughed finding it all amusing. He grabbed her from waist making her fall on his chest and snatched the pillow from her hand.

Abhi (seriously)- I am sorry Wifey. I know I wasted so many years but now all I want to do is to hold you in my arms everytime. Please don't be mad at me for today. (in her ear huskily) I want to make this day so special for you...please.

Pragya shivered and looked at him straight into his eyes. He leaned slowly and pressed his lips softly on hers. She held herself from kissing him back. She was angry on him but all her anger melted when his hand wrapped around her waist making her sit on his lap zeroing the distance between their bodies. Her lips moves slowly in synchronous and a smile spread on his lips. She gasped when he bit her bottom lip and she moan in pleasure. The kiss was soft and gentle as if he was afraid making some mistake and made her mad on him again.

He turned her on the bed making her back hit on the soft bedding and came on the top of her still kissing her. They parted themselves when they found the need of oxygen. He pressed his forehead on hers as she lay their closing her eyes, breathless.

Abhi (peck on her lips) - Happy Birthday Wifey. (with a sad smile) Sorry to make the start of your birthday a big disaster but I promise to make this day special for you.

She was about to say something when he put his finger on her lips.

Abhi - I will give you all the answers tomorrow and you are free to punish me for that. (with loving eyes) Just give me this day without asking anything and without being mad at me.

She nodded her head and and turned on the bed taking her in his embrace. His lips touched the side of her head and they stay there longer than a minute. She closed her eyes in content as he murmured 'I Love You' after the kiss.


Pragya (with wide eyes) - OMG, I can't believe you took me to wonderland. (jump excitedly) OMG..OMG...OMG. I always wanted to come here.

Abhi (smiling) - I know..!! That's why we are here. (grabbing her palm) let's headed inside.

Pragya nodded excitedly and he chuckled seeing her excitement. They roamed inside hand in hand. They took several rides in which both screamed with full of excitement.

Khatti Meethi (Abhigya Version) ✔️ (Unedited) Where stories live. Discover now