dear someone

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dear someone

Whoever you are, listen to me. I'm on the verge of tears and helpless breaths. I can't remember the last time I actually slept. Depression is my friend and it thinks it's obligated to invite insomnia and anxiety to my house. You don't understand I am the house. They walk and live inside of me like I'm some sort of living area. They turn my emotions on and off when they feel like it. They play with my mind and tell me things I don't want to hear. You don't understand, I have no control anymore. I am the puppet and they are the puppeteer. They control my strings and I obey their orders. I paint a smile on my face so others don't see how much pain I'm in. I wear jeans or shorts that are long enough to cover my scars. You don't understand, you will never fully comprehend the words that I'm telling you. I'm not scared of the dark, I'm only scared of what lies within it.


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