my future speech

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my future speech

I know this may seem weird but I fantasized about what I was going to say to a crowd of children, possibly middle schoolers. I plan on being a school counselor and I just think about my introduction here and there. It would go like this:

"Hi, I'm Mrs. (Blank), I'll be your counselor. I know that you will be scared of visiting me but I want to let all of you know I've been in your shoes. I struggled when I was in middle school going into high school. I never once went to the counselor in my life because I was terrified. I want you to feel welcomed in my office. Because I know deep down, that one of you is going through what I went through back then. What I'm trying to say is, I want to help you to the best of my ability."

I don't know, I'm still working on it.


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