Chapter Eight: Thundering Memories

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Tao was sitting on his bed in his panda pajamas, leaning on his big stuffed panda with a pen and notepad in his hand, planning out his rap. He started talking to his panda, mostly just speaking his thoughts out loud.

"Catie is doing good in this bet, tomorrow is the last day of the bet. So I'm planning now since I'm going to write her a rap anyway. She's a wonderful girl, panda. You would love her! She's a panda lover like me!"

Tao smiled and repositioned himself on the bed to get more comfortable.

"Actually, she's more than a wonderful girl. She has beautiful eyes and soft, brown, wavy hair that falls to her shoulders. Her personality is caring towards others, and full of herself. She never seems to care about what others think either. I wonder what talent she has. Can she sing, draw, dance? Probably all of the above. So far she has been such an amazing girl. Everything she does is so cute too! Even the way she eats, her cheeks blow up like a chipmunk! She's just so cute in general...."

Tao realized what he was saying the whole time, and blushed a deep rose red.

"Wait, why am I saying that? I'm just her guardian! Nothing more!....nothing more...."


Catie was staring at the ceiling while laying down in her bed, thinking about Tao.

"He's so adorable and cute, like a little kid or a brother. His golden hair fits him perfectly, while his panda eyes make him unique. He has the mentality of a 7 year old, but the strength of 3 elephants put into one. He's funny too, and caring, also helpful. He's really handsome, and his tan skin is very attractive.....I wonder if he has a nice body?-"

Catie shot up and took her pillow, whacking herself in the face.

"Why am I talking like that?! He's my guardian! All he's here for is to watch over me and my use for time. He's just my caring guardian! Nothing more!.....nothing more...."


Since it was the weekend, Catie stood home, and Tao just hung out with her inside since it was raining.

"Man, this suuucks!"

Catie groaned, plopping on the bed with her face in the pillow. Tao looked out the window, smiling.

"I for one like the rain. I think it's beautiful."

Catie sat up, staring at him with a poker face. She got off the bed, walking over to the window where he was at.

"You like the rain? How?! It's ugly, and it just ruins your day out."

Tao smiled at Catie, and started talking in a whimsical way.

"Well, I look at the positives. Once it stops raining, it's not as hot outside, it waters the plants and trees, and it's good for the Earth."

Catie rolled her eyes, and started walking back to her chair, until she heard a loud roar of thunder.


She screamed, and jumped on her bed, hiding under the covers for safety. Tao started laughing to tease Catie about her being scared of thunder.

"Ha, is the brave and cocky Catie scared of a little thunder?"

He walked over to the bed, and yanked off the covers. He was going to proceed with teasing, until he saw Catie crying softly in a cradle position.

Tao felt guilt struck him. He sat on the bed next to her, and picked her up to hug and comfort her.

"Shh, it's alright. It's just thunder. I'm sorry for teasing you, I thought it would make you retaliate at me."

He gave half a laugh to himself, trying to make her feel better. He was slowly petting her hair, while holding her close to his chest. She pulled away, still crying.

"You don't get it.....You don't get my fear of thunder, or the reason behind it I should say."

Tao scooted closer to Catie, putting his arm around her.

"Well you can tell me, I'm your guardian remember?"

Catie nodded while sniffling. Trusting him completely, she opened her mouth to speak.

"The reason why I hate rain and because my "father" shot my mom when I was younger. He was drunk, and my mom did something he didn't like. So he pulled the gun from the safety draw out, and shot her twice in the chest.....So now, the sound of thunder reminds me of that event everytime....."

Catie started crying even harder. Tao felt a tear roll down his cheek, but he quickly wiped it away. He had to be brave in front of her. He hugged her again, but this time tighter than before, not wanting to let go. Catie slowly wrapped her arms around Taos torso, feeling comfort and warmth when she did. Her crying and sniffling slowed as soon as she hugged him.

"It's okay Catie....soon, the rain and thunder will stop. When it does, we can do whatever you want. Skating, movies, the mall, anything you want to do."

Catie looked up at Tao who was smiling.


Tao thought about it and smiled.

"Anything legal Catie."

She laughed and pulled away from the hug, smiling.

"I want to go to your place!"



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