Chapter Twenty Nine: Time Is Precious

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In Sandra's room, it was pure chaos.

"Come on baby, you'll be fine."

Kai spoke, squeezing her hand. Sandra glared at Kai, screaming.

"You sit here while popping out a demon baby and see how it feels! Then tell me it's okay!"

Kai cringed from the loudness of her voice. The doctor ignored all this, speaking to Sandra.

"Let's go Sandra come on! Push for me."

Sandra pushed with every bit of strength, squeezing Kais hand to death.

"Alright, I see the baby's head, keep it up."


"Catie, please stop yelling at me, I'm trying to help you-"


Catie kept screaming at Tao, making him huddle away little by little.

"Catie, the baby's head is out already. Just breathe and push with me."

The doctor spoke calmly, Catie listening.

"And push! Come on!"

Catie pushed until her face went cherry red, possibly popping a blood vessel.

"Alright! Not that hard you'll kill yourself!"

"Well death seems better than this, so let's go!"


"Man, I hope the girls are alright. That shit seems really painful."

Chen spoke up, playing with Xiumin's hair. Xiumin smacked his hand away, to which didn't stop him.

"Yeah, I wouldn't be able to go through that, at all."

Chanyeol spoke, looking in pain just thinking about it. Kyungsoo gave a laugh, making the boys oddly look at him.

"I'm just thinking about how the boys will be in more pain! Hand squeezing, ears getting chewed out. Their pain, it amuses me."

Suho moved away from his seat next to Kyungsoo, picking a different one.

"Well, hopefully they'll all be alright."


The doctor pulled the baby out, cutting it's umbilical cord, while shouting.

"It's a girl!"

After quickly wiping the baby and cleaning it up, she handed her baby in a blanket to Sandra. She started crying, while looking at the specimen laying in the bundle. Kai teared up, leaning into the baby.

"She's so beautiful...."

The baby immediately opened her eyes, letting a green faded orb quickly light her eyes. Sandra widened her eyes in shock, looking at Kai.

"What was that?!"

Kai smiled, touching the baby's forehead.

"She's a guardian. I believe guardian of mother nature. Meaning she'll protect the land of Earth."

Sandra immediately smiled, laughing to herself.

"Wow, I have a guardian baby. So what should we name her?"

Kai thought, then snapped his fingers.

"Jayeon! It means nature."

Sandra nodded, agreeing.

"I guess Jayeon will be her name. Welcome to your protecting ground, Jayeon."


Catie held her baby boy, while Tao looked over her shoulder, just watching in awe.

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