Chapter Thirteen: Visit To The Guardian World

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Catie was sitting on her bed with Tao leaning next to her, listening to music. They were listening to Block B 'Be The Light'. Tao looked over at Catie cupping her face, and looking into her eyes. He slowly leaned down and touched his lips with hers. He felt shivers go down his spine as he started to kiss her more passionately. Tao softly pushed Catie down on the bed, while practically making out. She wrapped her arms around his neck, while running her fingers through his soft golden hair. Tao felt her smile against his lips, making him move into the kiss more. Tao went to go remove his shirt, but stopped when he saw a flash of light appear in his room.

"What the-"

Catie leaned on her elbows, sitting up.

"Tao, who is that?"

Tao went to answer, but the person that appeared cut him off.

"I'm Chun Hei. I'm the guardian of guardians you can say. I came here because I know about your little love relationship. Catie, Tao, come with me."

Either way, they had to go with her to the guardian world. Chun Hei snapped her fingers, and all three of them appeared in her office in the guardian world.

"Catie, since humans don't really come here, you might pass out due to the extreme energy of different powers being used here."

Tao warned her, but she already fell in his arms, passing out.

"Ugh, crap."

Tao sat her down in one of the chairs to rest. He sat in the chair next to her, facing the other guardian.

"Chun Hei, let me explain about me and Catie-"

"Be quiet. Tao, you know damn well that humans and guardians are FORBIDDEN to be in love with each other. Loving the human in a protective way is one thing, loving them in a 'feely' way, is another."

"But I didn't think I would fall in love with her!"

"Well life is full of surprises Tao! Out of all my guardians, I didn't expect you to break a rule this enforced! You couldn't love a guardian of earth, or the guardian of money!? Any guardian for that fact! But no, you chose a regular, human being."

"Chun Hei! You can't just choose who you love! I didn't choose Catie, my heart did.....And if you have a problem with that....then all well. Me and Catie will do anything to stay together."

Chun Hei frowned at Tao, and sighed.

"Tao, I love you, I took care of you at times as a kid when your mother was sick. But, that doesn't mean I'll go easy on you with rules. You already know what happens if a guardian stays with a human too long....remember your mom and dad?"

"Don't speak of it."

Tao glared at her. She stopped speaking of his parents, and moved on.

"My point is, you know what will happen. That's why we have these rules. Tao, think of Catie. You don't want that happening to her."

Tao put his head in his hands, frustrated and confused.

"I'll give you two weeks to squash this whole relationship. If you don't.....we will fight to end this. And we will kick you out of the guardian world."

Tao smirked and stood up, picking up Catie bridal style, still passed out.

"I'll see you in two weeks, ready to fight."

Tao snapped his fingers, leaving the office in the guardian world.

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