Chapter 3

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         Kat was startled when she heard what Kaylie and Mabel had seen. Her eyes darkened as she realized what they had to do. They had to use that spell to go in Stan's mind, but it would be of no use. She remembered that Gideon took the shack anyway, and if everything from the show happened here, then she knew that it would fail.

They were going to try anyway.

"Dipper, get out the journal. There's a spell in there that we can use to go in Stan's mind and stop the triangle demon from getting the code.

"Why should I! Stan always orders me around! Maybe he'll learn a lesson!" Dipper yelled angrily.

"DIPPER WE NEED THE SHACK! CAN'T YOU LET GO OF A GRUDGE TO SAVE OUR HOME?!" Mabel yelled, fury in her voice. Kat was shocked. Mabel never sounded that furious in the show, but then again, it was not in real life before.

Dipper sighed, and got out the journal. 

"Videntis omnium. Magister mentium. Magnesium ad hominem. Magnum opus. Habeas corpus! Inceptus Nolanus overratus! Magister mentium! Magister mentium! MAGISTER MENTIUM!" Dipper chanted, his eyes glowing blue.

The world flashed white, and then they appeared in a vast grey space. Stan's mind.

"WELL WELL WELL!" A shrill echoey voice yelled. Kat froze. She knew who this was. Bill Cipher. Would he know her? would he even care about her, or just Dipper and Mabel. Kat turned around shakily. 

Bill stared right at Kat. Kat felt a chill rise in her as she looked back at Bill.  What was he gonna do? She shook. Bill laughed.

"Scared aren't you Crescent Moon! AHAHAHAHAHA!" Bill laughed. Kat was about to respond, but Mabel cut her off.

"GET OUT OF MY UNCLES MIND YOU NACHO DORITO!" Mabel yelled, throwing herself at Bill. Bill dodged, and gave a look that made Kat think that if he had a mouth, he would be smirking.

"OOOHHH KILL!" Bill called. A red triangle appeared, and looked at the foursome.

"Pfft." Kill held himself back from laughing.

Dipper looked at Kat, and motioned to the door of the rundown shack in front of them.

Kat nodded, and ran. Bill tried to get her, but she rolled out of the way just in time. She smirked as she ran inside the shack. Bill turned red with anger. 

"GET HER!" Bill shouted. Kill went after her.

"Not so fast there, Cipher!" Kat taunted as Kill rammed into a wall since he was running so fast. This just mad Kill even more angry. Kat was actually scared now. She ran corridor after corridor, Kill close on her heels. 

Kat was almost sure she had made it when Bill came out of nowhere. They had her trapped. Thinking fast, Kat slid under Bill, since he was floating, and ran away, but ran straight into a corner. This time there was no way of escaping. 

Closing her eyes, Kat waited for the worst. Bill put her in a cage that came out of nowhere, and left her there.

"HELP!" Kat screamed. She banged against the bars of the cage. It was just her luck that Bill heard that, and grabbed her by the neck, pressing down harder and harder until Kat was choking. Just when she thought she was done for, something punched Bill, and caught Kat, as Bill had been holding her in the air.

She looked, and was amazed.

It was Dipper.

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