Chapter 9

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  Kat watched as Wendy herded the tourists over to the ticket place to buy tickets. She smiled.

"It's going to be great" Kat thought happily. Stan sighed happily.

"The town loves us, we finally got that Gideon smell out of the carpet. Everything is finally going my way." Stan declared. I looked at Dipper, who had opened his mouth to speak. Stan had taken his journal after they got back to the shack, and I knew he was going to say something.

"Hey, Grunkle Stan. Now that we have a moment. I've been meaning to ask you for my journal back." Dipper began. Stan's eyes widened.

"Wha? Journal?" Stan said. Stan searched himself,  and then looked around the shack, and pulled it from under the counter.

"Oh!" Stan laughed. "you mean this old thing! It was so boring I couldn't even finish it." Stan dismissed, giving Dipper the journal back. Kat narrowed her eyes. Stan was acting too dismissive about the most unboring book ever.

Kat was also pretty sure when she had gotten up in the middle of the night for water, she had heard the copier working, but she couldn't be sure, since it went off almost as soon as she heard it.

"Wait, you're just gonna give it to me? Just like that?" Dipper asked, his eyes lit with confusion.

"Well, yeah. I don't have much use to keep it from you, kid. Now what do you want, a kiss on the cheek?" Stan asked jokingly. Dipper looked confused still. He looked at the journal, and narrowed his eyes.

"I...gotta go!" Dipper exclaimed, grabbing Mabel, Kat, and Kaylie with him to the twins room.

"What is it bro?" Mabel asked, looking as confused as Kat felt.

"Yeah, Dipper, what is it? Is something wrong? You went out of there in such a rush..." Kat trailed off. Dipper gave her a look that made Kat flinch. His gaze instantly softened.

"Look, yes there is something wrong. We still don't know who the author is, and what Bill wanted to hide so much that he possessed you, and made you so weak" Dipper said, staring right at Kat. Kat flinched again, but she knew it was true.

Kat hadn't quite been herself lately ever since that happened. She was more tired, more weak, and she would wake up in the middle of the night crying because of nightmares she had of Bill.

Only last night, Mabel had woke her up, saying that she had been crying and screaming in her sleep. Kat felt bad, and she had tried to apologize for waking everyone up, but nobody would accept her apology, saying that there was nothing to be sorry for.

"I didn't mean it like it was your fault" Dipper's voice brought Kat back to reality. He looked at her apologetically, as if saying that he had known what she was thinking.

"I know, and I'm sorry that I can't help more" Kat said, feeling suddenly weary. Mabel dismissed it with a wave of a hand, as did Dipper and Kaylie.

"There's nothing to be sorry for" Dipper assured her.

Kat rolled her eyes, and sighed. This was going to be a long meeting.

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