Kat was thrown onto the ground with a thump as she landed in Bill's castle, or in other words, his way too triangle shaped nightmare fortress, designed to make room designers cringe. Kat grunted as she picked herself up from the floor. Kat found herself face to face with the triangle dream demon himself, Bill Cipher.
"Well well well, My Puppet! Crescent Moon. Long time no see! How are you-wait, I don't care. haha." Bill said. Kat cringed at his horrible humor. Bill glared at her now, his momentary laughing having stopped.
"Bill, what do you want from me now? Isn't it enough that you almost killed me-twice?" Kat hissed, trying to sound menacing, but silently afraid that she was failing at it. Bill stared at her for a moment. It was a long, horrible moment.
"I think you know why, Moon, but if you really want to know.." Bill trailed off, leaving a horrible silence. Kat just glared at him before he let up.
"I'm planning to use you to lure the others here. They will be at my mercy, and the world will be mine! Weirdmageddon will be all over the world!" Bill cackled.
"Oh god. I am stuck here alone with a world dominating crazy madman"Kat thought, alarmed. This would not be good.
Bill left without another word, though, and Kat slumped against a wall, and let out all of the stressed tears that had been held ever since she had gotten caught by Gideon, who was working with Bill.
Ford had been leading them towards the bell tower for a while now. Guess the Oddpocalyse made it kinda hard to get around, apparently.
Dipper had a hard time not being anxious right now. Ford only had one shot when Bill came, and if he failed, they were as good as dead, and so was Kat, if Bill hadn't tortured her already. Dipper felt his throat form a lump in it as he was filled with anxiety. He had to remind himself that Kat was most likely fine, and he took a couple of deep breaths for extra measure.
"Dipper, are you alright?" Pacifica came over, concern in her eyes. Dipper glanced away, nodding. He had said to her that he would think about dating her, but Dipper didn't think he would say yes, however nice it seemed. His heart laid with someone else, and he knew that now.
"I'm fine" Dipper lied eventually, deciding to speak aloud. He didn't said fine. In fact, his voice sounded kind of choked out and forced. Dipper gulped. Pacifica narrowed her eyes, as if she sensed his lie, but Dipper was saved from another awkward questioning by Ford.
"We're here. you guys know the plan, now come on." Ford said. Pacifica glanced at Dipper.
"I remind you that we only have one shot, and we are not throwing away that shot" Ford shot at her.
Dipper was thankful for that, as they walked silently into the building, and climbed the stairs. He was tense at the same time though.
It was time for possibly the most dangerous plan Dipper had ever tried.

Somewhere in Gravity Falls|OC Story
Fanfiction|Completed| Twins Kat and Kaylie make a wish one night- "I wish Gravity Falls was real" The next day, the two find themselves in Gravity Falls, and everything is not as it seems... ...