Chapter 11

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              Kat woke up in a cold sweat. Her eyes were wide with fear. Kaylie popped in the room, and when she saw Kat, she rushed over.

"What happened?" Kaylie asked worriedly. Kat sighed.

"I had a nightmare" Kat explained, still troubled.

" Was it a nightmare created by Bill?" Kat asked herself. She shook her head. Of course not.

"Wanna talk about it?" Kaylie asked sympathetically. Kat shook her head.

"I'm ok now" Kat lied. Looking like she didn't believe Kat, Kaylie left the room, glancing back at Kat before disappearing through the door. Kat sighed.

"Thank God it was only a dream." Kat muttered to herself as she dragged herself out of bed. She stepped into the hallway. There was no one there. Or so she thought.

"Kat!" Mabel's voice scared Kat.

"Mabel! you scared me!" Kat exclaimed. Mabel gave her a apologetic look.

"Sorry, but the party is going on. Do you feel well enough to join in?" Mabel asked. Kat thought for a moment, then nodded.

"Great! Come on!" Mabel dragged Kat into the party, and to a group of two girls.

"Meet Candy and Grenda" Mabel said, gesturing to the two girls. Kat dipped her head.

"Hello, I'm Kat. Nice to meet you" Kat said quietly. Candy just smiled knowingly at her, and Grenda waved awkwardly.

Mabel guided Kat over to the stage. Kat's eyes widened.

"Mabel, what are yo-" Kat began.

"We are going to do karaoke, and you are going to enjoy it." Mabel declared.

"I'm not exactly a good singer." Kat admitted awkwardly.

"Nonsense! I hear you singing in your bedroom sometimes! Your a great singer! Now, come on! First one to the stage gets to pick the song"  Mabel said, running ahead of her.

"Oh no you don't!" Kat exclaimed, picking up speed, and getting ahead. Kat won the race.

"Ok, you can pick" Mabel said, nudging Kat. Kat laughed, and went up to Soos, who was the DJ.

"Can we do the song-" Kat was cut off by a tremble of the ground. It was so powerful that multiple people, including Mabel and Kat, fell on the ground.

"What was that?" Kat asked, dusting herself off shakily, and helping Mabel up.

"I think it was a Earthquake, which is weird, because they don't really happen in Gravity Falls" Mabel replied, looking just as confused as Kat felt right then.

"Guys!"  Dipper screamed, running in to the shack. Kat ran over.

"What happened!" Kat asked anxiously. 

"ZOMBIES" Dipper exclaimed. Kat felt her heart sink. Suddenly, a noise sounded from the door, and the zombies poured into the house. One grabbed Dipper.

"DIPPER!" Mabel and Kat screamed at the same time, each trying to grab Dipper back.

Suddenly, the zombies head was chopped off. Stan stood there panting.

"Attic, now!" Stan ordered them. Not hesitating, the kids ran up the stairs, and locked the door. Dipper grabbed a black light, and grabbed the journal. At the exact same moment, there was pounding on the door.

"Kids, it's me! Let me in" Stan's voice sounded from the door. Kat breathed a sigh of relief.

Kaylie opened the door, and Stan gathered with the kids as Dipper used the black light to search the page.

"Guys, there's a way..but you won't like it" 

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