Dipper woke up. He instinctively glanced over to the other bed in the room. Mabel was still asleep. It figured. Dipper got up, put his vest on, and walked out of the room, grabbing his journal on the way out.
Dipper walked into Kat and Kaylie's room, somewhat curious about Kat. He saw her slumped up her bed, twitching a little. He sighed with relief. She would be ok. Slipping out, Dipper went to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes.
"Wow, Kid. You ok?" Stan asked, walking up to Dipper. Dipper looked at him tiredly.
"Yeah, but I'm still a little worried." Dipper admitted, rubbing his arm. Stan put a hand on his shoulders, which surprised Dipper.
"She'll be ok. She's a strong kid." Stan assured Dipper. Dipper looked back, desperation in his eyes.
"Are you sure?" Dipper asked anxiously. Stan laughed a little.
"Yes, I'm sure. Now kid, why don't you try to sleep more. You look like you've been on a ten-day wine drunk" Stan chuckled, ruffling Dipper's hair.
"Ok..Thanks" Dipper said reluctantly. Stan guided Dipper to the stairs, and watched Dipper go up, sighing.
Dipper walked into the room, taking off his vest, and putting down the journal, and going back in his bed. He sighed, and snuggled up in the bed, drinking in the warmth from the blanket. He let darkness enfold him.
"Someone taking care of my needs, and thinking of me for once..that never happens" Dipper thought as he fell asleep.
Mabel blinked, and stretched as she woke. She had a hopeful feeling today. She threw on a sweater, and her skirt, and some black flats with socks, and made her way downstairs.
"Hey" Mabel greeted everyone as she walked into the kitchen. Stan was flipping pancakes, and Kaylie was sitting in a seat, waiting for food. Kaylie blinked at her uneasily for a moment.
Mabel sighed, and sat across from her. Kaylie winced a little, but didn't bother moving. Mabel felt her chest tighten with irritation. She wanted to hold onto that hopeful feeling she'd had when she first woke up. She pushed her plate away, and stood up.
"I'm going for a walk. I'll be back soon" Mabel called. Stan grunted in response.
"Be back soon" Kaylie yelled back. Mabel slammed the door as she left, taking her time.
"So NOW Kaylie wants to act like she cares" Mabel muttered as she walked further and further away, leaving the mystery shack in the dust for now.
Kaylie cringed in disgust. Stan's pancakes had his hairy old man self's hair in it. She sighed. Stan wasn't going to cook any other food right now, so she might as well try to eat it. Trying to not gag, Kaylie bit into the pancake. Kaylie's eyes widened.
It was good. It was actually a really good pancake. Kaylie ate the rest with no hesitation, barely pausing to breath. Stan just watched her, laughing.
"Yeah, that is Stan-cakes for ya kid." Stan chuckled, walking into the living room. Kaylie licked her lips, and walked in the hallway, and went into Kat and her's room.
Kat was laying down peacefully in the bed. Kaylie sighed.
Thank god.

Somewhere in Gravity Falls|OC Story
Fanfiction|Completed| Twins Kat and Kaylie make a wish one night- "I wish Gravity Falls was real" The next day, the two find themselves in Gravity Falls, and everything is not as it seems... ...