As long as I have you // Peter Parker

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•Your pov•

" Let me go!" I hit the man as he drag me to a warehouse .He grunts and turn his head to me .

" Shut up you b*tch" He use his other hand to slap my cheek . I was stunned as he pushed me to the floor .

" One move or you'll die ." He pull out a gun and I stayed still on the floor , my shaking hand place at my heart as it beats faster and louder and the other at my red cheek.

" Good girl ." I heard him walk away and place the gun on the table that I haven't notice. The lamp brighten some part of the warehouse while few lights started flicker on other part of the warehouse.

" Boss ." My head shot up when the guy that drag me here spoke . A man in all black walk in clenching his jaw and with a determine look on his face . His body is built and probably can break a 5 hollow blocks with one hand . Damn that brought chills on my body.

" We have her ." The guy glance at me and the man followed his gaze . My fear kick in once again , I crawl back when the man started walking towards me . I couldn't imagine what's next , I shakily stood and started running away from the man .

I didn't hear the man footsteps but I heard a loud gun shot erupted the whole warehouse causing me to scream and fall on my knees with my shaking hands on my ears.

" You think you could run that easily , think again little girl ." I saw the mans shadow hovering my body .

" Please ... don't hurt me ... Pl-ease ." I whisper .

" We won't hurt you darling ... unless." I can feel the sob erupting in my throat . The man chuckle darkly , grabbing my hair as he turned me around harshly.

I yelp in pain my hands placing at his large hands as I try to unbind his hands on my hair but I know it was no  use.

" We wanted to know if you're little buddy .. Spider-Man is your friend and so we could kill not less than one minute " Even though I'm in a place of pain but I was confuse .

" Who? Spider-Man ? My friend? .. Let go of my hair!" I hiss when he tighten his grip on my hair .

" Answer my question!" He said , gritting his teeth. I shiver .

" He is not my friend , let go!" I kick his stomach causing him to drop the hold on my hair and took the chance of running away.

" Fuck! Get her!" The man grunts and the guy started running towards my direction with a gun in his hand.

I started running faster , my eyes roaming around until I saw a stairs up to the way on vent on the building . I skip up the stairs and running on the metal bridge towards the vent.

" No you don't ." I look back seeing that the guy was just few feets away from me . Adrenaline pumping through my vein as I saw it near me.

I grab hold on it , pulling it out of the hole. Successfully it wasn't screwed as I easily pull it away . I turn that the guy was right behind me and without second thoughts I threw the vent cover at him before started crawling up .

I manage to exit at the end of the vent and end up on the rooftop of the warehouse. I was panting and sweats running down my forehead and my back.

I walk around the rooftop looking for a way to get some help . It was late at night that streets has ANY people walking and police officers aren't near the warehouse ... SINCE IT'S AT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CITY . Of course there aren't gonna be people walking down this street .

I glance down searching for a fire escape but unfortunately there isn't not even one. My breathing become uneasy as the thought of the man and the guy with guns on their hands .

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now