Elevator // Peter Parker

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○○•Your pov•○○

"We should celebrate guys ." Ned said as we took the elevator. Veronica and Flash nodded.

"Yeah ... How long are we staying here at D.C again?" I ask , pulling out my phone texting my mom that I'm fine because I just look at her message before it was taken away from me at during the competition.

We won the championship.

"4 more hours guys before we can go back home so... WE CAN GO EXPLORING." Veronica exclaimed as we all agree to her idea. I saw Ned looking down at his pocket where this purple glowing gem glowed and glowed as we go down.  I frown walking up to him, when he saw me from the corner of his eyes, he quickly hid it behind his back .

"Ned wh--" Suddenly the elevator stops. I turn towards everyone seeing as they were all panicking . The lights flicking and the walls screeching .

"Just stay calm , everyone." I said as I can feel their breathing uneasy.

"How can we stay f**king calm when we're about to die?!" Flash exclaimed angrily but it made the elevator screech again.

"Just shut up Flash, we are not gonna die for Pete's sake."

"Oh my god , look at the ceiling." We look up the ceiling and there was a lasered burnt part of the emergency hatch of the elevator and we could see the floor we just came and the heads of the people who are waiting.

"Are you guys alright down there?!" Our professor shouted from above.

"Can't you see we are all terrified, how can we all be all right in this situ—" The elevator drop again, everyone is on the ground this time for safety with their hands on their head.

"Just stay calm everyone, don't move." We all freeze on our spots, I glance at everyone seeing their faces with terrified and uneasy looks.

'Call for help, please'

"Hey! Come here, give me your hand!" Several guards have appeared on the next floor that we, gladly, didn't miss.

"Guys! Come on!" I pulled Veronica up, and told her to hop on my hand. The guards caught her and securely placed her on the side.

"Flash!" He didn't hesitate on hoping on my hand and grabbed by the guards.

"You're next Y/N!" Ned said, I shook my head.

"Ned it's better you go first."


"Ned just do it, we don't have much time! Go!" He looks at me with guilty look before I effortly pushed him up to the guards.

"Liz?" I turned towards her, she gulped holding on my shoulders and hoping on my hand but didn't make it when one of the wires of elevator snap.

We fell on the cold steel floor with a loud thud and air knocking out of our lungs as the elevator was pulled by gravity.

We fell for 10 seconds before the elevator halted and causing Liz to bump her head on the floor and pass out.

"Liz? ... Liz?!" I look up at ceiling and saw in a  red and blue spandex with a spider symbol on the center of its suit.

"Hold on!" He shouted, grunting as he held the elevator and using his webs to stick it to the wall.

I pick her up and gave it to him. He flick his wrist to doors where all of our classmates and paramedics are waiting.
As he gave Liz to the parademics, the elevator didn't held on the webs and started snapping.

I hold on the rails and mentally praying that I'll make it out alive. But guess not, the webs finally snap.

It was as if I'm in a movie where everything is in a slow motion, Ned being pulled back by the others as he shouted and pulling him back as he watch his best friend fall, Spider Man diving in right after he heard the snap.

I couldn't calculate if he will make it on time or not because every memory I have are now flashing before my eyes and it terrified me even more as this only happens when death is near.

My mind was off, my body was numb and everything seem so silent. But I was pulled back in reality when I felt something grabbing me from my stomach and pull me up.

I am now on the arms of Spider Man as he swing us out of the building. The sun shine so bright, the wind blowing my hair everywhere as he continued swinging us out and on the ground.

He gently placed me down on the ground by the fountain. People started gathering around and thanking him for saving the people inside.

I was still silent and just looking at him.

"Y/N!" I heard from behind, I look back and saw Ned and the others running towards me. Ned hug me so tight and let go of me.

"Are you okay?! If is  there anything you need, just tell us." I smile hugging him back.

"As long as you guys are okay, I'm okay." I said, caught a glimpse of Liz on the stretcher.

"She will be alright Y/N, don't worry about it." Professor said as he saw me looking at Liz with a worry face.

"Thank God, you are all okay." I let my body relax as Ned took me to the paramedics. As he guide me, I look back  to the man who save my life in the last minute but unfortunately didn't see the famous red and blue suit.

'Wherever you are, thank you.'


𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now