Hulk 2.0 // Tom Holland

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○○• Your pov•○○

"What?!" I screamed as I rush down the stairs to our kitchen that I just cleaned yesterday and now everything is in a  disaster state.

"The neighbors said that last night there was a bit of a conflict happened." Tom cower as he saw smoke coming out of my nose and ears.

"A bit?! They called that a bit?! They are completely out of their minds! Sammy's room is right next to it!" I went back to our room, grabbing my robe and stomp downstairs.

"Ho-Honey ... What are you going to do?" He ask as he hold on to the railings of the stairs.

I huffed, looking over my shoulders.

"To give them a piece of my mind." And with that I'm out of the door.

○○• brought to you by my wife who become the Hulk 2.0•○○

The police came right after I left their house after I finished giving them a piece of my mind and a loud lecture.

Its nighttime when we were all watching the TV show when suddenly  news flash interrupted our show.

'It is around 9 in the morning when a gun is fired at Jersey Shore Street, wherein a said to be couple are fighting and the fight took all the way down we all expected."

'The couple are actually selling an illegal military equipment and been doing drugs for 3 months."

And flash their pictures, their faces are absolutely destroyed. The black eyes, bleeding noses, and scratches.

'Ma'am, did your buyers harm you?' The interviewer ask the woman.

'It is not a buyer and I - I can't say anything else.' The woman glance at her then to the camera and cower as if I was looking directly at her.

"Mommy?" My eyes shift to my 4 year old daughter, holding her dolls.

"Yes sweetie?"

"What happen to them?"

"Well they did something bad and police have to go and get them..."

"Did the police did that to them?" She pointed at the faces of the suspects.

I look at the TV screen and down to my daughter, "Let's say someone went to their house and absolutely did to repay for what they did."

Tom glance at me then to his daughter to the tv screen and to the kitchen.

"You went from the Hulk to Natasha Romanoff, honey." Tom said before pulling me in his arms.

"Whatevet it takes to protect my family." I smile before closing my eyes and fell asleep in the arms of my husband.


𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now