I'm a Hydra // Peter Parker (Part 1)

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Your pov*

I was never this scared and nervous at this kind of time . My dad , Steve Rogers , was gone for a moment and I was left alone at our house for 2 weeks.

You may be asking why I'm nervous and all? ... Well to tell you that HYDRA found out that my dad was at the Avengers Tower at NYC and was about to attack them .

"Wrong timing." I mumble as I ran towards the basement .

"Carl start up the engine ." I put on my gloves to prevent from freezing of the things I touch. 

"Starting engine ." I ran towards the desk and pick up a call to Pepper. It rang twice before she appears on my hologram screen computer.

"Y/N .. what's the matter ?" I took a deep breath and exhale .

"Everyone is in danger there Pepper and you have to warn them ." Pepper was beyond confuse , grabbing the office phone and dialing , perhaps to be , Tony .

"Danger ? Y/N? "

"There is no time to explain Pepper , HYDRA's are on their way . Go tell dad. "

"Everything is set up Ms. Rogers ." Carl said . I turn back to Pepper , who was nodding his head while the phone was between her ear and shoulders as she type away on the computer beside her .

"And Pepper?" She stop typing and pulled the phone away from her phone .

"I'm coming ." I ended the call , scurrying towards the motor . I place the helmet on my head as I tighten the strap .

I flick my right wrist as I can hear the engine roaring , I press my index finger on my ear , "Carl ,  Nicki take care of the house while I'm away ."

"On it Ms. Rogers." I kick the stand as the garage door open and I was on the road within the second it opens.

Incoming call from Mr. Rogers

I press a button on my right  ear as I accept the call .

Hello Y/N?

[Dad! Are you alright ?]

Yes honey I'm alright .. What's happening ? Why's Pepper all rambling about HYDRA?

[Listen dad ... HYDRA find out you're there with the rest of the Avengers and they wanted you all dead at once .]

How did you know HYDRA are about to attack ?

I was quiet ...

[ Once a HYDRA .. always a HYDRA]

Then I ended the call . Memories started flowing like it's just a water in my mind .

Screams ...

Screams are everywhere ...

People dying within the seconds ...

Gun shooting ...

" Y/N ?" I turn my head towards my mother's weary voice  .

"Mommy ? What's happening ." My 5 year old self ask , curiously.

"I don't know hun ." She pulled me in for a hug as she softly kiss my head and rock as back and forth .

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now