Italy/ Peter Parker

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"Look at that one , Ned." Betty took Ned's hand and drag him towards a boat where it will take you down the stream with the best view on point. You 'aw' at them , seeing Ned so happy with Betty and same as Betty to Ned.

"Ma' lady." You glimpse at Peter who escort Mj on the boat. You smiled again , seeing everyone having a great time until Flash has to be a dick to Peter once in a while.

"Will you shut up Flash before I throw you off this boat?" You snap glaring at him. He suddenly cowered behind Ned and look away , you rolled your eyes before turning back your attention in front of the beautiful sceneries.

"Does your grandma still runs that small hotel?" Mj sat down beside you. You shrug turning to her, "I don't know though , I haven't visit her since what ... 6 years ago."

"Well we better check it out after this one--" Mj didn't finish her sentence when she glance a head of her and you ,  you started to notice the water is not on its normal waves.

"Y/N..." You raised you head when you felt strange magic raising from your nerves. You stood up when your elemental , Hydro-Man , roared in life.

"What are you doing?" You whispered, telling the helmsman to immediately stop the boat to the side for safety. When it reaches the side , you usher everyone to go on safer side , you hear screams and whimpers.

You run towards the direction of the whimpering and you saw a little kid with his mother. You both help them up and let them lead all the way to somewhere safe. You run back towards bridge where you saw Peter standing,

"Peter get back , we have to go." He turns his head to you before was pushed by big wave. You glance at Hydro-Man before rushing towards Peter.

"Told you we have to go -- AHH!" You felt wet but big hands gripping your waist down before pulling you to the air. You were face to face with Hydro-Man but not the one you knew.

"Hy ... what happen to you? , who summon you?" He didn't answer but instead it roared , drenching your figure before being thrown away.

"AHH!" You scream on the top of your lungs. The wind picked up having your hair going crazy , not giving you a chance to see.

You saw buildings on your sight but with your panic mode you can't form any plan before feeling a sticky wrap your waist and coming a screeching halt in front of building. You felt arm wrap around your waist and a drench body on your side. You glance at the person and was shock was the only thing you could feel.

"Peter?" He both drop you on top of the roof. You saw Hydro-Man destroying your home city , until green mist appeared out of nowhere and appeared,

"Mysterio?" You walk further to the other edge of the roof. Peter standing behind you with determine but with slight fear in his eyes.

"Who?" You didn't answer his question but was worried what Mysterio did to make Hydro-Man become ... a monster.

"You don't wanna be part of this." Mysterio said before bringing out his hands and green magic came out stopping Hydro-Man.

"We gotta go , Peter." You took his hand before whisking your hands and water came rushing up towards your direction. Peter look at you with eyes widen. You turned to him , "You coming?" He gulped before he join with you.


"Who is that guy?" Betty ask. You all guys where downstairs watching the news about Mysterio appearing out of nowhere. Mj and you sitting at the stairs.

"It's like Thor and Iron Man rolled in one." You glance at Peter who seem intrigued about Mysterio.

"He's no Spiderman." Flash said nonchalantly.

"What's up with you and Spiderman?" Mj ask up , grabbing Peters attention.

"What? He looks out for the neighborhood as a really dope suit and I really respect him." Peter hearing his answer made him scoff inside.

"Sup dickwad." You glared at Flash , whisking a out the water out of the bucket before dumping it on Flash.

"Holy--" Everyone moved away from him while you and Mj stifled your laughs.

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now