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○○•Your pov•○○

"Hey Peter ... Hey dad!" I hug my father who have been waiting for my arrival after spending my summer with my mom in Philippines.

"Hey sweetheart! I miss you so much! Thank God you've come home and I am craving those pancakes of yours" I laugh, hugging him tightly and pulling away to hug my best friend.

"Hey there best friend, how have you been this summer?" I ask pulling him in my arms. He chuckle hugging back.

"Fun to be with the others but boring without you though." Dad growl at Peter. His eyes widen before covering up with different else. I giggle, "It's been a long day for you darling, let's get back before sun down, shall we?"

I nodded.  Dad took my bag while Peter stay behind to catch up with me.

"So ... how's Philippines?" He started, kicking some rocks as we walk towards the parking lot.

"It's so much fun, the environment is very nice and relaxing and to be honest ... I'm gonna stay there if I have the chance."

"Then why didn't stayed there if you wanted to?"

I look at him...

"Cause this is already my home, with you guys. I'm not gonna leave anyone behind, especially you." I smile, nudging his arm.

He looks down immediately, feeling the smile creeping up his lips and redness on his cheeks.

"Th-That's sweet." He glance back up with that cute smile I fell for.

"You guys gonna stay here or what?!" We both look at dad, him impatiently waiting for us.


"Guess who's home?!" I shouted right when I open the door.

Wanda stood up from her seat and rush towards me. Natasha squealing as she also rush down the stairs.

"Y/N!" Nathasha and Wanda said at the same time as they threw their arms around me and hug me tightly.

"Geez, she's gone for 2 months." Dad mutter.

"Shut up Tony before I throw you out this tower." Natasha threaten, making my dad cower in fear.

"Aw, you look so good. The tan looks  great on you by the way." Wanda compliment, my [s/c] was covered with tan line on my arms and shoulders.

"It was the best thing ever! The beaches are aesthetically pleasing and those people, they're very hospitable! I can't help but felt like I'm at home!" They both giggle at my reaction. Natasha patted my head.

"You must be tired. You can tell us everything tomorrow" I leaned on her touched, "Okay ... See ya guys"


I manage to get some sleep that day and I was awake like an owl in the night, doing nothing but staring outside the big window doors to my mini balcony.

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now