Daughter of Star Lord // Peter Parker

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Third pov* (Both of you and Peter are 16)

Star Lord aka Peter Quill was your father ,  and right now you and the other Guardians are on your way to 'Terran' or 'Earth'.

"Honey , you stay here with Groot while we  talk to the Avengers ok?" Quill said , once he land the ship on a open green field beside the Avengers Tower.

"Why do I have to stay here? " You whine .

"Because you wouldn't understand a thing we will be discussing  ..?" It turned out to be more of a question in a matter-of-fact voice than a statement in a matter-of-fact voice.

"Or because you want to demand them to come to the galaxy to help with that stupid delinquent monster back at home because you couldn't defeat it?" You sass , crossing your arms and leaning at your left leg.

Ever since you and the other Guardians encounter a big  .. HUGE alien who has a thick skin is very difficult to kill . And Drax almost getting inside of the monster so he could 'open the skin from the inside'.

Quill  stop on whatever his doing and look at you with his eyebrow raise . Gamora and Rocket were laughing quietly at the back , Groot hiding his smiling  face on his video game .

"Ok .. Where the hell did you get that sassiness of yours Missy?" He said annoyed , glaring at the two making them both shut up .

"Nowhere dad ... Just finish your "meeting" with the Avengers ." You drop your arms at your side before walking to the other side of the ship. 

Watching you with unsatisfied look , shaking his head ." I will never understand her attitude."

"Don't be to harsh to her Quill , she's just a kid ." Gamora said walking down the flatform to the blinding light of the sun .

" I am Groot ." Quill towards Groot and the area where you are .

"You take care of her , Groot ." He step down the ship and walking towards the entrance .


"Are they gone Groot?" You said poking your  head out from the room where you're  'hiding' . Your was  plan to get inside as well , since you've been here on Earth for few times but never got in the Avengers Tower.

" I am Groot ." You smirk , walking out of the hiding spot and pressing the button to open the gate of the ship .

" Well Groot , we're going inside the Avengers Tower ." Groot looking up from his game looking at you with a confuse look before agreeing and walking out with you .

Happy saw walking inside with a busy Groot on your side . " And you must be the daughter of Star Lord?"

"I am and this is Groot ." You smile . Happy nodded leading you to a luxury living room , which is empty and quite ..

"That door is where your father and the rest of the Avengers are ." He pointed at an oaked double door.

" Thanks Happy ." You walk towards the door , grasping the cold door handle ; opening it and poking your head in .

There , all of the Avengers sitting in a black comfy chair while Gamora and Drax are infront with your father . Rocket was on the side leabing to it with abored face .

You didn't hesitate going in all the way , capturing a lot of attention from everyone even your father .

"Didn't I tell you to stay at the ship with Groot ?" Quill cross his arms looking at you .

"Well didn't I tell you to stop demanding ?" You squint your eyes and crossing your arms again .

"Ugh ok , Everyone meet my daughter Y/N Quill ." Your mood change to a happy one and giving them a wave .

"Ok so back to what I was saying before I was interrupted ." Giving you a glare before turning back to his attention to everyone.

"I really don't know if this is a good idea , Mr. Quill but many of us hasn't been to your galaxy and never fought this ... Alien." Tony Stark said .

"Yeah we kind of agree ... and that thing having a thick layer of skin and wont be able to kill it with swords and guns ." Natasha said , standing up walking out of the meeting room .

"Wanda can open it ... Wanda?" Cap said leaning back on his chair.

"Sorry Cap .. I have duties at Ireland with Vision ." Wanda said standing up and walking out with Vision behind him .

"I can ." Suddenly a voice coming  from the ceiling said . You look up seeing Spiderman going down ,  upside down .

He stop infront of you and taking of his mask , revealing a very cute guy with brown locks and brown eyes . You gave him a smile .

He gave you a smile back before dropping to the ground and looking back at everyone.

"Mr. Stark can I come ?" He ask politely , slightly stuttering on his words .

"No kid ." He bluntly said . He sigh , sitting down beside Cap.

"Look Peter ... " Tony start .

" Yes ? " Said the Spiderman .

"No not you , him . " He pointed at your father . You sigh , you know people are not gonna cooperate after all your father ... being a demanding father .

"Look everyone ... " You place both of your hands on the table , looking at
everyone in the eyes .

" Our galaxy there is in danger and we don't know what to do to stop it and this is why we flew here to ask for cooperation to fight with that thing .. Please ." After your small speech , the Guardians were shock at your own confidence.

"Well the kid had said it all , well I'm in ." Steve said .

"I have no other choice but to agree too ." Natasha stood up .

Some of them agree and started hoing out of the room to suit up or get everything started . You smile widely and glance at your father .

"I told you to drop that attitude Missy ." He hiss .

You just smile , "I told you to drop that demanding act Mister ." You mock . Walking out the meeting room , you held the door open , looking over your shoulders.

"Groot .. you coming ?" You heard him groan before running towards you .

As you walk towards the familiar hallway , you stop by a voice calling your name.

"Y/N Quill ... right?" You turn around seeing the Spiderman .

"Yeah and you are?"

" Oh I'm Peter Parker ." You giggle .

"Well Peter it's nice to meet you but ... " You turn your head  back around seeing your father giving a hard glare at Peter (Parker) then face him again .

"... I have to get going . I'll meet you again someday ." You lean in and kiss his cheek . You turn around once again with a big smile on your face and  leaving a flushed Peter Parker .

"Bye . " Peter whisper as he watch you walk away towards the exit .


I got inspired though .

𝑃𝑒𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑃𝑎𝑟𝑘𝑒𝑟 & 𝑇𝑜𝑚 𝐻𝑜𝑙𝑙𝑎𝑛𝑑 ✓Where stories live. Discover now